Love You Forever

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Chapter 5

I woke up to the sound of Liv throwing up so I went in to the bathroom and I held her hair back so it wouldn't fall in. This made her jump so I just started rubbing her back to comfort her about 10 minutes later she finished throwning up. She went to stand up but she almost fell face first into the sink but I caught her. "Liv you are taking the day off no if ands ors buts about it." So I picked her up and carried her to my bed and layed her down and covered her up she soon fell asleep so I went to call captain. "Hey cap I went over to Livs place this mornin and she was throwin up pretty bad and she went to stand up but almost fell face first into her sink. I think I'm going to stay with her today as well. Sorry for missing so much." "Ok and its ok stabler just make sure she gets better ok I have to go bye." I hung up and walked back to my room and got back into bed with Liv and I  wrapped my arms protectivly around her and fell asleep. I then staryed to dream about me and Liv's life together.  it was workin out great but I want her to live with me so I can protect her and love her. I woke up and Liv was still asleep so I went and took a quick shower. When I was I came out and saw Liv sleeping. So I decided that I would run to the precinct for and get some paper work done. So I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt and headed out. Within 20 minutes I was there and at my desk workin on some DD5's. Then I jeard the captain come out of his office. "Hey Elliot what are you doin here I thought you were stayin home with Liv to take care of her?" "I am she has been passed out since well afyer I called you so I decided I'd come down here for an hour and get some paperwork done." "No Elliot go back to Livs place and  take care of her." I could hear the seriousness in his voice. "Ok cap ill go." I got up and walked out and went back to my car. Just as I got in I heard my phone going off with Livs ringtone so I awnsered it. "Elliot where are i woke up and you werent her and now im in the bathroom about to pass out!" "Hey Liv calm down I'm on my way back dont worry I will be there in five ok. I love you Livvia." "I Love you too El." with that she hung up to phone. I sped to my apartment and hurried to get in. I ran to the bathroom and I found Liv snuggled up with one of my shirts. I smiled and I went over and picked her up and carried her to bed and I layed her down. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and jumped into bed when I heard her mumble 'I love you El I really do please dont leave me.' I smiled at that. "I truely love you too Liv and I will never leave you." And with that I kissed her forehead causeing her to smile in her sleep. So I snuggled in to bed with her and fell asleep.

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