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Hey! A new one. Enjoy!!!!

Drake's POV

I vowed to prove myself. I would do anything to do it...
After that kiss I never saw her again that day. I missed her so much. I searched for her. But didn't find her. Like she was vanished from the world.

It was night. About 9pm.
I tried my best to go to her hostel room in order to teach her. I asked the authorities to give me the opportunity to take her lessons that night because I will be absent the next scheduled date, I lied.
The actual reason was I wanted to see her hardly.
But they didn't agree with me. So her Mathematics teacher had the schedule with her.
And it was against the rules to go to the girls hostel or any girl's room without any schedule.
So I didn't have any other choice to meet her.
I had no work that night to keep me busy.

Althea's POV

I was feeling sleepy and it was 10 pm at night. But our mathematics teacher was sitting infront of me teaching me the rules of Tolemy's Geometry Formula. It was so boring.
After half an hour, at last it was finished and it was 11:30pm at night. I was feeling sleepy and hungry at a time.But the lights of the hostel were off and the time for our dinner were passed long ago. So I couldn't eat my dinner.
I just took a shower and went to the kitchen with a torchlight. I turned the light on and made a flask full coffee for me. Because I was so sleepy. I barely could keep open my eyes. I took the flask of coffee to my room and drank a cup of it. Then I felt a little awake from sleep.
I started studying as I got a lot of bullshit homeworks from school and math teacher. Most of the homeworks of school were given by my rude and monster husband like it is a punishment for denying him. Oh God!
I was writing a trajetic story that he ordered us to write on our own skills.
It was very tough job.
Thinking, writing,again thinking, writing, erasing previous lines and dialogues and again thinking and writing and then tearing the papers into a thousand pieces and again thinking and writing and vice versa.
Oh god! I was sick of my own jobs. I couldn't think anything without my fucked up life. So writing a story became a thousand times tougher for me. My room soon became a dustbin full with torn papers.

At last I finished the damn story after about three hours. Then I decided to take a small nap. I leaned my head on the table and closed my eyes.
I was so tired that I slept in just a few seconds.
I heard loud thumps on the door of my room. It caused me woke up from my sound sleep. They were too strong and loud that it seemed like they will break my door and my ears will stop working.
I hurriedly went to the door and opened it.
The lights were off of my room and corridor. So I couldn't see who the hell was knocking so roughly. I just saw a tall figure standing infront of me. So I could tell that it was man. But who was he?

To recognise who he was I stepped backwards in my room to turn the lights on. But he followed me to the room and grabbed my arms from my backside. I gasped.

He chased me turn and look into his eyes. The windows of my room were open and moon was full that night. So I could see his eyes clearly but his face barely with the help of the moonlight.
It were green. Deep green.
I could smell alcohol from him. He was drunk.
"A drunk guy is in my room holding me so tightly, so close" the thought crossed my mind. Oh My God!
I was shaking in fear. His figure was looking like a monster. And I could see his eyes turning into red colour.
Oh God! He is vampire! He would kill me!
Breaking the silence between us, he said,"Althea!". The voice seemed so familiar. But I couldn't recognise. I didn't say a word.
"Althea?" After a second he again said.
This time I recognised who he was.
It was deep cold, arrogant voice that can only belong to one man.
DRAKE. The beast.
"Yes"I said in a calm voice. Like it a regular affair that a drunk vampire came to my room at midnight in a girls' hostel.
He stepped away from me and turned the light on of my room and locked the door which was open. When he locked the door, I became more scared. His eyes were not like their regular view. They were holding something new kind of emotions. I had never seen that type of emotions in those forest green eyes. It showed desire and love and sadness at a time. But why were they holding desire,love and sadness? For whom? Me? But why? This questions were poking in my head. I couldn't help staring at those eyes. Seemed like I was staring in my Negel's eyes which held love and desire for me once.
We were both staring at each other,there were silence between us. Only the sound of our breathes and heart beats being heard.
Suddenly the clock sounded Tick!Tick!Tick!
It was three am at morning. The sound broke the silence between up and we ended up our staring competition.

I stepped backwards a few steps. Because we were standing so close that our bodies were brushing slightly.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed.
"Seeing you, love" he replied. Like we were normal lovydovey couple.
"Are you Kidding? It's 3at morning and you are standing at a girl's room in the girls' hostel." I said.
"But the girl is my wife. Damn! Why are you over reacting?" He asked in his usual rude voice.
"Oh! Really? I said once that I don't love you and I don't accept you as my husband" I shouted in reply.
"But you have to accept me. Because I'm your damn husband, your mate for god's sake!"he shouted.
"It's not a play. I'm adult. You can't marry me without my permission".
"You agreed".
"I was bounded. I was surrounded by your armies which or whom were dead"
"But you can't deny it now"
"I want a divorce then. As early as possible " I said sternly.
"Oh my poor little sweetheart! You can't get a divorce" he said like a villain.
"I will go to the court and do what ever is needed to get rid out of this mess" I pointed my index finger before him.
"There is no rule in vampire court which will support you and you can't get help from the human court, because you are married to a vampire." He said loudly. Then he laughed.
"Then I'll do whatever I've to do to rid out of you"
"There is no way for you to escape from me,dear"
"You're such a beast" I shouted .
"Oh,cupcake! Don't curse. It is ruining your sweet lips"
"I'll curse. I'll say whatever I please".
"I'll not let you do so".
"Fuck you and your fucking love and possessiveness " I shouted so loud that I even cringed at the sound.
"Don't, love!" He pleaded with his eyes coming a step closer.
"Screw love!" I shouted even louder if it was possible.
"It's the last time I'm warning you. Don't do this, Althea!" He came more closer.
"Bustard! Asshole!-" I tried to throw a storm of curse words at him.
But he cut me off with a strong hungry kiss.

                               *****(mature scene)*****
He held my arms with his and pushed me backwards. I hit the wall and he smashed his lips against mine. He nibbled my lower lip that caused me aparting my lips. He thrust his tongue into my mouth. His lips were possessing mine in every way. And my mind went all blank. My hands snaked around his neck and softly tugged at his hair. He let out a soft growl as I replied to his kisses and we continued kissing. I had no other choise. I was lost in those kisses.

His lips tasted mint and it was an addicting flavour. He hands travelled down to my waiste and he pulled me closer. I gave in to the sensation and let my arms run run across his hard and muscular torso.

His tongue exploded every inch of my mouth and when I felt his tongue slowly slide out I caught it in between my teeth. I sucked it a little earning me a moan and his hands tighten around my hips.

I slid my hands through the opening of his shirt. I was satisfied when I felt his smooth and hot chest.

He left my lips and and placed kisses across my jaw to my neck. When he reached my neck he harshly sucked.
"Negel!" a moan escaped my mouth.
He moved his lips to my earlobe and whispered,"Althea, I love you".
"I love you too" I said unconsciously. Senseless because of the sensation.
Then he nibbled my earlobe and sucked the sweet spot behind my ear.

Then he pulled away.
"I am back, baby" he said brushing his lips with mine. His voice tune was changed.
It became husky, cold and desirable.
"I am back for only you, my nerd".
I gasped............

Hey, babies! What do u think about the kissykissy scene? Did you read the horny scene? I was feeling too shy while writing that scene and I'm not perfect at writing this type of scene. So if u didn't enjoy it, plz don't mind.

Ok. Did u enjoyed the chapter? What do u think about Althea and Drake? Will Althea accept him after this kiss and confession? Let me know on the comment board. And don't forget to vote and share.
I will update the next chapter if this one achieve at least 15 votes. So good luck.....
Love u guys....

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