Be-YOU-tiful (Part 2)

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He stood just outside the door, arm above his head leaning on the doorframe, head down. At the sound of the door, his green eyes lifted, locking with yours.

Anxiety knotted your stomach as he stared at you, previous confidence gone like a startled rabbit, and for a brief moment of panic you almost retreated back into the safety of the bathroom, slamming the door with such force to knock the image of the makeup-less you out of his mind forever. But it was too late now-he had already seen you, so you forced yourself to remain where you were with all of the strength you had in you as Will continued to stand there, his face expressionless as he continued to stare at yours.

You squirmed inwardly at his silence, heart slamming against your chest, unable to breathe deeply as all of the self-doubt, insecurities, uncertainties, and fears, grew until they were all but unbearable. You felt ashamed and unworthy standing there in front of Will, exposed for what you really were. He was perfect. You were not. You dropped your gaze, unable to bear his stare any longer. You clenched your jaw and swallowed. Tears threatened to surface and make you look even more miserable than you already were. Dejected and disconsolate, you braced yourself for the hesitant look of slight disgust on Will's face that you knew would probably be there by now, and slowly raised your eyes to meet it.

As your gaze finally met his, it took you a moment to process that he was still standing there staring at you, but not with the look you had expected. Instead of being half-closed with dislike, Will's green eyes shone as he stared at you with something you had never quite seen before. His eyes slowly wondered across your face, taking you in. Then a slight grin turned up the corner of his mouth, and you watched in confusion as it spread into a full smile.

"Wow...." He breathed.

You blinked, completely taken-aback by that comment, then self-consciously tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.


"I knew you were...I mean...." His smile widened. "Wow."

Will stepped in closer to you, eyes never leaving your face for a moment, his smile widening even still-if that were possible. He reached out, hesitated, then carefully brushed his fingertips across your imperfect, exposed cheek.

"You're so..." he said softly, continuing to stare at you as if mesmerized. "You always use so much makeup, I thought you must be trying to cover up some imperfection. But this. There are no words."

You felt uncontrolled heat creep up your neck and invade your cheeks; there was no makeup to cover the red that you knew was in them now. Was he crazy? What was he saying? You were confused, and embarrassed, and unsure if he was joking around with you or not. He certainly didn't look like he was joking around...

"Y/N," he whispered, green eyes staring hard into yours. "You are so beautiful."

You had heard those words so many times before, but they would bounce off the makeup that covered your face. Sure you were acceptably beautiful, you spent hours making yourself so with eye-liner, mascara, foundation, and everything else. But now, standing bare-faced and insecure in front of Will, the person you loved most in the entire world, those words sounded different somehow. Will had said them in his deep voice, and you knew he had meant it. And they hit you more deeply than you would have ever thought possible.

"What-?" you bit back a sob, eyes brimming, trying to get a grip on one of the many emotions tearing you up, not wanting those words to sink in, not wanting to allow yourself to believe them. "What are you talking about? I-I don't understand-"

"Why?" Will asked. "Why do you cover this-" he cupped your cheeks with both hands now, and gently caressed your skin with his fingers, "-with makeup?"

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