One More Date? - Jimin of BTS

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A/N- Hallo! nice to see you again. I AM EXCITED FOR THIS ONE!!! its gonna be super fluffy (and super short)! Well imma let you go fam. BYEEEE



"Y/N hurry up, you're gonna be late for your date," Taehyung started rushing me. "yeah yeah I know, I just can't choose what to wear," He walked in and picked out a light blue dress and black flats. "there now hurry up. He is spamming with texts asking if we are on our way," He started the car as I finished getting ready.
It's my first date with Jimin. I have waited so long for this and now I'm worrying too much. I finally got out and hopped in the car. "wow Y/N, you look good. Jimin is lucky he got to you before me." Taehyung laughs and he drops me off at the restaurant.

the waiter took me to the table and Jimin hasn't even realized I arrived. He was furiously texting Taehyung. I tapped his shoulder to get his attention. He looked at me and his eyes went wide.
"Wow. I'm speechless. You look great. And your dress is my favorite color too," he said flashing me a smile. "You look great too," I replied and he seated me at the table.

" I was scared you weren't coming," he laughed awkwardly.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I said feeling the happiest I've felt in years.

The night continued and it was full of smiles and laughs. The time came to where the restaurant was closing and it was time for us to go.

Jimin drove me back to my house and even car ride was fun. Unfortunately it was cut short when we arrived at my house. He opened the door for me and walked me to my door.

"I had lots of fun, we should do this again." he said.

"I'm free next Saturday." I smiled

"You got it. See you soon Y/N." "Bye-Bye Jimin-oppa." I kissed his cheek quickly and went inside.


I was ready to go to bed when I got a text.

Jiminnie: Oppa? I like the sound of that. ;)

Y/N: Pabo.

Jiminnie: Meanie :p


A/N- Well I know I said that this needed to be shorter, but not this short!?!

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