First Day

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*Courtney's P.O.V.*

     After meeting with the Fire teacher, I head for the girl's dormitory to put up the stupid poster she gave me. I had no desire to socialize unlike a group of students I can tell are mostly Life. There are also groups of older students glaring at each other. The most notable were Fire and Ice. Great, I thought to myself, I better find an Ice kid to hate I guess.

     I make my way to my room, 1776, to find it's a double. By the brown poster with a maroon scale on it, I figured she is a Balance. A note on her bedside table reads: Do NOT touch my stuff~Katie. I decided to heed her warning and put away my stuff.

     Later a girl with a very distinct southern accent says, "Hello roommate! My name 's Katie. Pleasure to meet you." I mumble a hello, which earned me an odd look, and went walking to avoid talking to her. Most students were in their rooms by now, except for one Death that was heading toward the waterfall. Everyone had heard the rumors of the old Death Classroom being behind there, but who would risk getting into a lot of trouble? Instead of one of the teachers catching her, I chose to confront her. I emerged to find her starring at a door. "Hey you! Who are you and what are you doing?" I yell.

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