Chapter 1

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(Katerina’s p.o.v)

I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs wafting its way through the house. Opening my eyes I pulled back the covers and stood up, stretching my muscles and popping a few bones in the process. I opened the door and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Dad was stood at the stove cooking the bacon and eggs while mum was making a pot of tea. Sitting down, dad put a huge plate of breakfast in front of me and I tucked in, devouring its contents within mere minutes, earning a disapproving look form my mother. Just as I finished my twin brother walked in. His shaggy dark brown hair fell over his dark brown eyes as he groggily sat at the table eating the plate of food dad had put in front of him. Unlike me, my brother wasn’t much of a morning person, his grumpy attitude tended to drive me up the wall and it was a common occurrence to have an argument within five minutes of being near each other. But we were twins and we tended to get over things pretty quickly, unless he tried to play ‘the older brother card’, even though I was the oldest.

Excusing myself from the table I made my way to my room. Stepping into my closet I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, black tank top and a black leather jacket that finished at the top of my waist. Turning on the water I stepped into the shower and washed my hair and body. Finishing up, I dried myself and got dressed letting my hair dry naturally. Pulling out my leather combat boots and grabbing my bag off the floor I headed for the garage yelling a goodbye to my parents. As I hopped onto my black and silver Ducati 848, I yelled a goodbye to my parents and set off. The ride to school took only five minutes tops from the pack village but because humans also resided in the town, all the kids from the pack had to find an alternate means of transport, instead of running. We were lucky enough though to have our own school. Dad had told me the story, of how a wolf had lost control and shifted, killing a human in the process. It was because of that incident that the Alpha at the time thought it best if he funded the construction of both a primary school and high school, close to the village, for the children of the pack. To the humans of the town, our schools were basically the private schools of the town. You had to pass certain tests in order to gain entry and so it was because of these tests that no human had ever set foot into either one of the buildings.

Parking, I fell into step with Lex. Looking at my brother, I realized what everyone said was true. If I wasn’t a girl then Lex and I would look completely identical, our features were shockingly the exact same; from our eyes, to the colour of our hair, even our build. Our noses were the same shape and our jawbones were strong and refined. Even though we were werewolves, this was still surprising. We reached our lockers, which were conveniently next to each other’s and got our books ready for first and second period. Lex and I were the Alpha’s children and while we never abused our power everyone in school even our friends were always weary that the smallest thing could piss us off, especially me. Being the eldest meant that I was to take over as Alpha when my father deemed me fit, while that was fine by me I hated the urges I got constantly. Like all other Alpha’s I got the sexual and physical urges. Physical urges were easy to get around, I simply hit the gym for a few hours, but the sexual urges always caught me off guard. It disgusted me that I wanted to jump any male’s bones at any given moment, I mean don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of strong and capable male wolves within the pack, there were even a couple that I would deem as great leaders, if they were to be my mate, but I was very set on saving myself for my mate. I didn’t see how fooling around before you met your other half was of any gain. There had been many cases that I had seen where either the male or female wolf had not been faithful to their mate, and once they had found theem it had caused a few problems within their relationship to begin with. Instead of doing that though I channelled the urges into rage and ran it off. This being a common occurrence meant that I ended up missing a lot of classes and so I had a pile of catch up work at home that I was slowly making my was through.

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