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After the dawn, just the two of us.

We welcomed the morning together.

Don't let go of my hand forever."

I won't let go of you either way."


Something was moving. A figure going from left to right, from right to left in evenly steps. It was blurry and I blinked constantly to get rid of that damned view. My head ached and it almost felt like my brain was eating me up with little bites of unexplainable pain. I moved my hand to give a sign of help but ended up throwing off an item from the desk next to the spot I was laying on. The figure infront of me got bigger and bigger by walking up to me. I closed my eyes instantly and heard little giggles drumming lightly through my left ear. Starting off with the corners of my eyes I opened them to the sight of a familiar face. „Jeon Jungkook..." I whispered cautiously but the man heard it clearly to my guess. „Ooh! You seem like you know me. Well, that's not good I think. What will my manager say to this?" The man put on a nervous smile and took a few steps back. Scretching the back of his head he started to talk again. „The nurses said you're a regular here. Does that mean you collapse on streets very often?" For a moment I was confused but I could not let this clueless guy go off like that either. I tried to sit up straight on the bed and managed to roll up the pillow behind my back. „First of all, thank you for taking me to the hospital. You must have struggled a lot. I do not want to be an inconvenience to you at all. I bet you have a business of your own so please go ahead, I am doing alright here. The hospital is like my second home already. And about your name...It was written on the coffee cup you gave me earlier. Thank you for that too. How can I show my gratitude?" I tempted to smile but failed awkwardly and coughed it off cooly. „ that's how you knew it. Well, I'm not sure how you can thank me but for now I don't think that's the problem. I missed a really important appointment and my phone is out of battery so I can't reach anyone either. I hope you're going to be okay. I waited for you to wake up just in case so now I need to hurry." He was already putting on his beige jacket with a quick swing around his shoulders. A white mask fell out of its pocket but he picked it up in a blink and stuffed it back. Before he got out of the patient room he bent down to tie his right shoelaces and dedusted his denim ripped jeans. I thought he was finally going to leave but he turnt around and asked me about my name. After I told him what he was curious about he stared blankly at the wall next to me for a couple of seconds and shot me an amusing smile. He closed the door gently and I could heard the speeding sound of his flat heels before he was ultimately gone. I had many encounters with strangers in my life but so far he was the weirdest and most incomprehensible one.

I stayed a few more hours in the hospital and was about to leave before the sun set. When I walked down the stairs of the Metabolic Disorders & Deficiency Diseases department to reach the nurse counter and wish them a good evening, one of them stopped me abruptly to hand me a little post-it. She said it's from my previous visitor and blabbered for a couple of minutes how handsome and attracting he was. I turnt back home at 7pm and was enormously craving food. YUMMY food - not hospital provided 'food'. Fast forward I prepared myself a light meal with appetizing side dishes and digged into my plate while watching the 9 o'clock news. That was actually the only thing I watch on TV. I rather to spend my time with reading good books, studying unprivileged piano pieces or taking care of my precious plants. I have not even a handful of friends and cannot meet up with them often. The same with my family: I live miles apart from them. My medical case did not allow us to live together anymore. I had to move out to dwell at a place near to the major hospital. After my high school graduation I planned to enter a reseach-based university but that was out of the ordinary as well. I'm not living in prosperity nor am I suffering because of poverty. I am just thankful for every single day I can survive and live through and always pray for a tomorrow.

- The topic was idols representing the country around the globe and...I had already switched the channel to a 24/7 camera capturing little kittens and puppies. How I wished to own a dog...

My eyes rested on the post-it sticking on my fridge and I was thinking about whether contacting him or not. He said it wasn't of importance to thank him back then but at least now I should take a step and do the right thing. He even left his phone number so that meant obviously that he expected me to reach him as soon as I was free. I took out my phone and typed in the number. The cheeky meassge on the note said to send him a message through KakaoTalk. I opened the application and updated my friend list. A new profile popped up on the left bar. The profile picture was a brown little dog similar to a poodle laying on the floor with his eyes closed while a red-black striped sleeve was spread next to it. I literally sat there for 5 minutes appreciating the cuteness and fuzziness you could feel through one single picture. I suddenly remembred Yoongi. I wanted to be in his embrace and sense his heartbeat for a very long time. Stepping out of the imaginary world I decided to send a goofy emoticon and wait for his response. 10 minutes and my phone did not notify me about any text message. Washing the dishes and cleaning the table flew by quickly and I already forgot about it. I slipped into my sleep wear and mummified my body with a blanket. As I was about to make myself a cup of tea my phone buzzed on my bed and I rushed back like a baby penguin to reach out for the message.

„Where do you live?" was the first text. „Where can I find you now?" the second and „I need to meet you..." the last. My expectations dropped to the ground just like my jaw. I was so ready to have funny late-night talks with a complete stranger who looked like a giant baby bunny and in return I've got a deadass serious guy trying to track down my location like a loan shark. My stroke of luck was indeed untoppable. I replied „Why do you want to meet me now?". Seconds later this came in „Because I need to show you something. Something important. PLEASE." I was really confused and honestly did not know what to say. Should I have just ignored him? I couldn't because the sternness kept luring me. How could the person I have met today be the same person I was talking to at the moment? I texted him after making a tea and getting a hot-water bottle for my crappy stomaches. „Can I trust you?" „200% yes! You can :)" I gave him my adress and waited again but it was already past 11pm without getting a single reply. I started to feel nervous and kept sipping from the tea that got already cold. Looking out of the window from my bedroom I was oddly impatient to meet the person I talked to via KaTa. The few street lanterns were not enough to light up the dark outside. I played some music on my phone to calm myself and tried to distract my mind from negative thoughts. Suddenly I spot a figure running along the streets. That person seemed like being in an urgent need to find something. That person was not tall. That person was not moving evenly either. That person was lost and searched desperately for relief. That person was the least one I could think of. That very person entered my life once again. That night...


(I'm going to update this chapter the next morning because it feels just right to do it like that XD put all your efforts and imaginary powers into what could happen that night and tomorrow you will see what's really going on...)

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