Is This Love? Chapter 4

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     “April Menendez! We have to talk! NOW!” Daniel Bryan was screaming at me while standing right in front of me. I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

     “Daniel, there’s nothing more to say! We’re through for good!” I said trying to get him to go away.

     “I still don’t see why you broke up with me!” Daniel was screaming at me, even though I was right in front of him. “You hurt me so bad! My heart still hurts! I loved you, April!”

     “No you didn’t, Daniel! And you know you didn’t love me. You just thought I was your good luck charm!”

     That’s when he did something I would’ve never dreamed he would do. He slapped me, right across my cheek.

     “What the hell is your problem?” Phil screamed at Daniel getting up out of his seat.

     “My problem is HER!” Daniel screamed back getting in Phil’s face. Phil started to punch and kick Daniel. Security came over and pulled them apart.

     “Get out of here!” Phil screamed as the security was dragging Daniel out.

     “April, April are you okay?” Phil asked while coming over to me and the rest of the superstars and divas.

     “I’m, I’m fine…” I said while the tears started rolling down my cheeks.

     “Come on, we’re leaving. I’ll take you home. Kofi, can I borrow your rental car keys?” Phil asked and held his hand waiting for Kofi to give him the keys. Kofi pulled them out of his pants and gave them to Phil.

     “Let’s go.” Phil grabbed my hand and led my quickly out of the club. I was ready to leave I just wanted to cry my cheek hurt so badly. It was so numb. Phil led me to the car, opened the door for me, then went to get in in the driver’s seat.

     “Let me see,” Phil said while grabbing my chin to turn my head to where he could see my numb cheek. “April, I’m so sorry. I should’ve never brought you here.”

      “Don’t blame yourself, Phil. I wanted to come.” I said shakily. I could feel the tears coming.

     “I can’t believe that little goat slapped you! I’m going to kill him the next time I see him.”

     I could feel the tears pouring down my face. I looked in the little mirror and could see that my cheek was starting to turn into a bruise. It hurt to the touch.

     “Come here, April.” Phil said and I leaned into his chest and started to cry even harder. Phil wrapped his arms around me making m feel secure. He smelled really nice. “I’ll always be here for you. I’ll never let that goat come near you ever again.” Phil said. I couldn’t reply because I was crying so bad. “Let’s just get you to the hotel.” Phil said while unwrapping his arms and starting the car.

     The car ride to the hotel was very silent other than the occasional sniffing I made. When we arrived, Phil helped me out of the car and went to the front desk to get both of our room keys. I was on the seventh floor and Phil on the twelfth. The elevator arrived at my floor. Phil got off the elevator with me and walked me to my room. When we got there, I opened the door and was about to walk in when Phil started talking.

     “April, I’m really sorry I took you to the club. I hope your cheek is better.” Phil said while looking at me and giving a faint smile.

     “It’s okay. I had fun otherwise.” I said while looking at Phil’s shoes.

     “Yeah me too. We’ll have to do that again.” Phil said then pulled me into a hug. We hugged for a long time. I didn’t want to let him go. I wanted to stay in his embrace forever. We slowly pulled away from each other.

     “Goodnight, April.” Phil said while slowly starting to walk away.

     “Goodnight, Phil.” I said and closed the door. I was slowly starting to fall in love with this man, this wonderful, kind-hearted man who was slowly starting to fall for me too, without me even knowing it. 

Well... Daniel Bryan is just a handfull. AJPunk had a special moment in this chapter! And believe me when I say there are tons more AJPunk moments to come! Hope you like the story so far! 

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