Chapter 3

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Piers had taught this class many times. He had to, it was his job. But today he was tired and the kids in 8th period history were just not interested. Plus, he was hungry, and he always had a shorter fuse when he hadn't eaten for a while. "Alright." He said, exasperated, causing everyone to look up from their textbooks on the American Revolution. "This is all bull," he continued. "The Colonies only beat England because the English are vampires and they were weaker during the day." One of the students raised their hand. "Yes, Connor?" Piers asked. "Sir, how do you know that the English were vampires?" Connor asked. "Well, because I was there and I know how to identify vampires." Piers asked. "How do you know how to identify vampires though? They aren't real" Connor asked. "Because I am a vampire." Piers deadpanned. The class looked at him with varying degrees of disbelief. Some even scoffed outright. "What, you don't believe me?" He continued. "Do you want me to prove it to you?" They all nodded, a bit wary of him. Piers took a cup full of paperclips and spilled it on the ground. He then immediately bent down to count them. After he had finished counting them, he gathered them up and stood, looking expectantly at the class. They all stared at him like he was crazy. "Why did you just do that?" A girl, Lynn, asked. Her friend berated her, "you don't just go asking people that." Piers thought for a moment. "Don't you read any vampire lore?" He asked. "Oh please, nowadays it's all glittering vampires who are in love." She said, fluttering her eyes and put her hand on her forehead, mocking them. "Plus," she added, putting her hand down, "stuff like Twilight makes me gag." Piers secretly agreed with her, even if he didn't say so aloud. "Anyways," he continued, "the legend goes that when there is something to be counted, a vampire will be suddenly struck with the urge to count that. Which is why people used to spill beans on their porches to guard against vampires coming into their houses. Thinking that the sun would come up before they were done and kill them. But, the sun only weakens vampires, and doesn't kill them." The bell rang, cutting Piers off from his lesson on vampires. As everyone packed up their bags, he reminded them all that the homework was to read chapter 3 in the textbook. He considered adding an extra credit assignment to look up a little known piece of lore on vampires, but decided against it.
After the students had all left, Piers sat down at his desk and finished a few things before packing up and heading home. He walked inside and his wife rushed towards him down the hall, waving a silver coin the size of a pocket watch in the air. She stopped, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. "It-rang while- you- at- work." She managed to gasp out. Piers got her a glass of water and took the coin, turning it over in his fingers. It had a werewolf on one side, and a woman with horns that looked like they were from a ram. There was a latin inscription at the bottom:
amicis ad finem, Ohana in sternum
He pressed on the werewolf's head and a message appeared around the circumference of the coin:
          Please come and defend your home
            It is under threat of the Hunters.
          Any and all help will be appreciated.
       This is the time to act. All are welcome.
Signed, The council of thirteen.
Piers got more and more concerned with each word that he read. He turned over the coin and pressed on the woman's head. After waiting a few seconds he said "This is Piers agent number 755832 reporting, I will be arriving with my wife, non-monster, Emma at 1200 hours tomorrow." into it. He took his finger off the coin and said to his wife Emma, "We're going to Casa dels Monstres tomorrow, so we should start packing." She jumped excitedly, because she had never been to Casa dels Monstres but had heard stories of it from her husband and dreamed of going. She had her bags packed in 20 minutes and put then down by the door. "Tomorrow at noon right?" She asked Piers. He nodded, still packing.
The next day at 11:30, they had had lunch and were sitting down at the kitchen table, waiting for noon to roll around so they could go. Emma could hardly contain her excitement. Finally, at 11:48, Piers stood up and held his hand out to Emma, she leapt up like a small child, picking up her suitcase. They clasped hands and Piers held the coin. The grandfather clock in the corner chimed once.
Three times,
Over and over until it chimed 12 times, and stopped. Piers and Emma looked at each other, bewildered. Emma cautiously opened her mouth, "did you—did you remember daylight savings time?" Piers cursed. They sat down to wait. Emma started crocheting and Piers reset the clock. When 11:48 finally rolled around for real this time, they stood up again and held onto their suitcases and the coin. The grandfather clock chimed 12 again and this time, on the tenth chime, Piers and Emma
disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Sorry this is so late, I probably won't post again for a little bit. I need some inspiration, if you want to send me monster lore, myths, ideas or whatever, I will gladly accept them. Please tell me if you like this story or if anyone reads it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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