#1 - The Meetup

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You giggled lots as you and your friends drove down the road and got closer to your destination; the city Auditorium. It was two of your favorite colors, which is why you'd sit backstage and mess around a bit with your best friend, (Y/b/f/n).

You soon arrived and parked into an empty parking space, soon stopping the car to a complete stop. As you did that, all of the others squealed out and slid out of the car, the whole automobile clear of screaming girls in just seconds. They were already on their way to the auditorium, and they forgot their tickets.

You noticed. So, you picked up all of the tickets you and your friends bought together and slid out of the drivers seat, closing the door behind you and locking all of the doors, earning a loud Honk.

Then you began your walk to the front doors, soon starting to run as you heard all of them shouted your name and to hurry up and go down. You swiftly dodged in between cars and disappeared from their view, just to hear groans and a few "Stop teasing us and hurry up, (Y/n)!"

You chuckled and came into view, then began to walk towards them. You held out their tickets, which they grabbed from your grasp forcefully, then held them out to the security guard.

You copied their actions and soon all of you were on your way inside to the concert. You arrived at the very familiar, large room with the black stage on the front. Except there were lots of people in the room and you hardly recognized it.

As you looked around, you couldn't notice anyone around you. Even your friends had gone missing and you knew you wouldn't be able to see them from a mile away; this place was packed!

The lights soon dimmed and Reed Deming himself came out on stage. Everyone burst into screams and squeals, followed by a few "I love you Reed!"

Then he began to sing the first song; Battle Cry. It was one of your favorites, mainly because it expressed how people can have the possibility of expressing who they are in any form they feel comfortable with.

It was amazing in person, lots better then off of your phone. Soon, the time came where you sang along; the last chorus. He allowed you to sing along, and it was so great. You even heard your friends sing along with him.

The next song came on, and it was also one of your favorites; Mercy On Me. You had no idea how it had struck you as a favorite, but it just did. Possibly because of the lyrics, they were amazing and perfect on many different levels.

Sadly; he was only allowed to sing three songs. The last one he sang was You're The Only One. You loved that one the most, and you sang along with each chorus.

As you watched and sang, you saw him glance at you and catch your eye. Out of instinct, you immediately blushed and tried to look away, although you couldn't. It wasn't in your ability to.

Then you watched him wink. You never expected that, especially from Reed Deming himself. It caught you off guard. He looked back at the screaming and squealing crowd, while you stood there staring at the floor trying to find out what had just happened to you.

Just as the song ended, you had it figured out. He had winked at you, not in front of you or behind you or to the side of you, at you and only you.

"You're the only one." Reed said into the microphone, making the girls erupt into a crowd of screams.

Your eyes lit up when you heard that, and you looked at the stage, but he wasn't there. You began to feel sad about it, because you knew you'd never get to see him again.

You just stood there as everyone left, including your friends, so it was just you alone. Or so you thought.

"I was sort of hoping you'd stay, I wanted to talk to you." Someone said in front of you, forcing you to look up.

Sitting on the edge of the stage was Reed, his hands planted firmly by his sides with his feet swinging loosely over the edge. He smiled at you as well.

"I saw you earlier, during Mercy On Me, so I decided on You're The Only One just for you. Since, after all, you kind of are the only one," He paused and smiled once more. "For me." He whispered ever so quietly, just could hardly hear him.

You once again blushed, not wanting to spoil the moment with one of your random screaming fits you told your friends you'd have if you ever managed to talk to Reed in person.

"Anyways, they told me I don't have much time, so I was just, uh, wondering if maybe I could -" He froze and closed his eyes, saying something under his breath that you couldn't hear. "I should get going. They need me in a bit."

"Oh, um," You hummed, trying to find out what had just happened and what he was about to tell you. Then you smiled and pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen.

Quickly, you scribbled your number on it and dropped the pen back into your purse. Then you folded the paper and half and held it out to him.

"Text me sometime?" You finished his sentence and smiled at him, who slid the paper from your hand and returned the grin.

"Yeah." He whispered and wouldn't stop smiling. "I will. What's your name?"

"(Y/n)." You answered looked at your feet. "I can understand if it doesn't sound very cute, but I can't exactly decide my -"

"No! It sounds beautiful," He cut you off. "It sounds amazing, I wouldn't ever ask for any other name ever. It's gorgeous and great." As soon as he said that, his cheeks burnt a bright red shade. "I've got to go. I'll text you then. (Y/n)."

"Great. My friends are probably wondering where I am. Bye, Reed." You giggled and looked at him.

He smiled and stood up from his sitting position, turning around and taking a few steps foreword, just to stop and face you again. "It was great talking to you. I really liked it."

You blushed. "As did I." You replied and shook your head.

He spun back around and disappeared from sight. You did as well, except you headed back to your car, where your friends were impatiently waiting.

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