This End is Only the Beginning

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It was dark. And quiet. Too quiet the wolf thought to himself. Allison looked at him as if she could read his next thoughts.

"Scott." The hunter whispered as soft as possible. "We don't know that the one out there is Stiles. It could easily be someone else-"

"Yeah, cuz that SO helps us out, Al."

"Shut up, Issac! You're talking too loud, you're going to get us killed if you don't stop talking."

The two kept arguing quietly, and Scott thought over and over and over again if Stiles was okay. Over and over again. Issac tensed up and stopped arguing. Scott  listened intently with his wolf like abilities to hear someone walking towards the closet the three of them were sitting in.

The intruder opened the door violently.


This End is Only the Beginning (Crazy!Stiles~TW.Some Sterek/Stydia/Sciles)Where stories live. Discover now