Chapter 3: The encounter

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Vanessa's P.O.V:

  Stepping into the woods, I lightly stretch out my arms and legs. Looking around I transform into my wolf form and take off into the woods. I take a sharp right and enter a little clearing I found a few years ago. Taking in a deep breath I take in the late summer scent. I hear birds chirping happily up in the trees. This time of year is so peaceful and calming, but for some reason I can't shake an uneasy feeling. Shrugging it off as excitements, I look around for an open grassy area. Finding one off to the right of the glade, I walk over to it and transform into my hybrid form. Using my claws, I trace the pack symbol into the ground and sit in the center of it. Turning back into my human form, I cross my legs and fold my hands into my lap before closing my eyes and saying ancient words to put me into a meditative trance.

"Manin un hugin gath."

I'm put into the trance for about two hours to clear and collect my thoughts. When I come to I open my eyes to see yellow irises staring at me. Startled, I jump back to see a lanky boy with light blond hair that had dark brown tips looking up at me. Dark freckles spotted his confused face as he stood.

"Are you ok?" He asked "You've been sitting there, silent, for like an hour now."

"I'm fine," I reply," I was just meditating."


            I sniff the air and instantly smell something off about him.
"You're not human."

"I could say the same for you," He said with a smirk sneaking across his face. "Based off your body shape and what you were sitting on here", he gently taps the pack symbol on the ground with his foot, " I'd say you're a werewolf."

" And based off your lanky figure and your scent I'd say you're a werecat," I replied.

"Technically, I'm a werelynx," he said before transforming into a lynx briefly then back to a human.

"Hmm, I didn't think your kind lived around here."

"We commonly don't. It's just my mom,  my sister, and I. After my father was killed by a hunter looking to make a fur coat, my mom decided to pick up and leave," he said in a melancholy tone.

"I'm so sorry for you. That must have been a rough time," I say placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, but enough about me,"he answered, " What's your story?"

"Eh, I've had a very standard life. My mom did pass away from a disease when I was young and my father just left but other than that I'm just a normal werewolf."

"Wow, that's ... something," he said chuckling.

"Yeah," I respond before asking something to change the subject, "so what's your name?"

"Lincoln, Lincoln Delma. What's yours?"

"Vanessa Griffith."

"Cute name," he said.

That was weird, I think to myself. "Hey do you know what time it is?"

Looking to the watch on his wrist he said," Yeah its 7:30."

"Oh, I got to go. There's a pack hunt so I'd suggest staying away from the pack territory tonight. Don't want to be thought of as a threat," I tell Lincoln.

"Ok, meet me here tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sure," I smile before morphing into my wolf form and running to the edge of the woods. When I get there I morph back into my human form and go home.

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