Chapter 43

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Wow, I can't believe we are kissing in the rain. Everything was perfect for about 5 minutes until I heard

"Ok that's enough Romeo. Hop in the car"

I recognized the voice. Niccollette.

I let go of Kimberly and she was trying not to laugh

"Come on" I grabbed her hand and we hopped into Niccollette's car

"Wassup doe?" She said trying not to laugh

"Shut up and drive" I said rolling my eyes

"Yes Sir, Romeo" She said chuckling

Kimberly rested her head on my shoulder and I realized she was shaking. I took off the jacket I had on and put it on top of her.

"Do you have any of my dance clothes in here?" I asked, realizing just how cold it was in the car

"Yeah, I think in the back" She said

I turned around and saw a nap-sack. I grabbed it and saw 2 sweatpants, 2 shirts, some socks with some cologne, and a jacket

"Here" I handed her sweatpants, the shirt some socks and the jacket

"Thanks" She took them. She just starred at them for a minute. I caught on and turned around. She kissed my cheek from behind me.

I pulled out my phone and got on Facebook.

After a while she tapped my shoulder, which I was guessing was the signal for I could turn around.

I saw she had on my clothes and she looked so cute, so little and delicate.

I kissed her forehead. I took off my shirt and put on the new, warm one. I looked at the pants for a minute. I quickly took them off and slipped on the sweats. I looked over at Kimberly and she was looking at her phone. I was surprised that our phones were ok.

I scooted over and looked at what she was looking at. She was on instagram. I grabbed her phone and took a picture of myself and posted it saying

"#hacked @Mikey_FuscoSexy BEST BOYFRIEND EVVVVVAAAAA #Love #Him ;) Love ya babe -Mikey"

I handed her, her phone and she laughed when she saw the picture. She kissed my lips softly and she leaned her head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer.


"Yeah baby?"

"You smell amazing" She said giggling

"Thank you" I said laughing. I kissed the top of her head and soon we were sleeping


"Wake up Romeo and Juliet" I heard Niccollette say as she shook me and Kimberly

"We're at Kimberlys house"

I looked put the window and saw the house. I looked down at Kimberly and she was still asleep.

"Thanks Niccollette" I said kissing her cheek and she smiled

I picked Kimberly up bridal style and she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck.

I carried her all the way up to her room and tucked her in.

I looked at the clock and it said 8:27. We were lost for like 2 hours.

I looked at my phone and saw I had like a million notifications from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Why Me Doe !? ( A Mikey Fusco Love Story )Where stories live. Discover now