Chapter 2: Shocked

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The next morning.

I wake up from the sunshine coming out of my curtains. I get a shock from my brother. He was sitting on the end of my bed in his boxer shorts eating a bowl of fruit loops.

"Hey sis. Big night I'm guessing?" He said looking at my hair that was all a mess.

I look at him with a bitchy face and said.

"Oh yeah it was massive! Fireworks and all!" While climbing out of bed.

"You look like you have been hit by a train." Her brother said laughing.

I try and kick him through the blankets but he got up too fast.

"Come on sis your breakfast is down stairs. You know the one with worms and green bubbly soup!"

My brother says in a creepy voice walking backwards through my door.

I start laughing and chased him down stairs. That's when I ran into dad at the bottom of the stairwell.

"Oh hey dad! Sorry about last night it won't happen again" I say in a happy mood.

"It's okay Kathryn. Just make sure you do whatever homework you need to do for school tomorrow also get ready for your first day back and thank Rick again." As he walks to the kitchen with his empty cup of coffee.

"Yeah dad I'll do that later but right now I am starving!" I say like I haven't eaten in months.

"Hey sis do you want your breakfast?" Kai asks with a smile on his face.

"Haha Kai you're so funny! But now that you mentioned it! YEAH cook me  some pancakes!" I run away so Kai had no other choice but to agree.

"Oi! Whatever I'll burn them just for you! Just the way you like it right?" Laughing his head off.

"Kai! Don't you dare!" Yelling from the other side of the room.

Kai smiles from the kitchen and gets out the pancake mix out of the cupboard. We all hear footsteps from up stairs and we all yell out.

"Good morning!"

We hear a giggle coming from above us and a reply.

"Good morning everyone" Rachel walks down stairs with a big grin on her face.

Dad walks over to Rachel and gives her a kiss. Kai and I both look away once we realised what was happening. I look over at Kai and he was flipping pancakes. Well trying to flip them but badly failing at it. I hear a knock and I go towards the door. I opened the door just a crack and tilted my head to the side looking around the door.

"Hi there" a voice comes from the other side of the door.

I open the door all the way and reply with.

"Hey there" realising it was the mail man.

He handed me 2 letters and 1 bill for my dad.

"There you go" As the mail man smiles away.

"Thank you" I say in reply waving goodbye.

I turn around while looking down at the mail in my hands. I kicked the door shut with my foot.

"Hey dad?" I say concerned.

"Yeah sport" he replied.

"Why do Kai and I have letters from mum?" I ask looking up at him showing him the letters.

Kai looks up from putting pancakes on a plate.

Dad walks over and takes the letters out of my hands and looks at them himself.

"I don't know. Open them and see for yourself" he said handing them back to me taking his bill at the same time and walking to the couch with Rachel following.

I slowly walk over to Kai trying to think what they might be about. I put his letter on the bench and start to walk away.


I hear Kai say my name. I spin around and looked at him.

"Yes Kai?" I responded.

"Your welcome" He said pushing the plate of Nutella pancakes my way and walking around the kitchen bench, collecting his letter on the way.

"Oh thanks Kai" I said while walking back over to the bench.

I walk up to my room with a warm plate of Nutella pancakes and the letter underneath. I sit them on my bed while I go get dressed. I come back out and see my alarm clock sitting on my bed side table and it said 11:58am.
I whisper to myself.

"So much for breakfast. More like lunch" picking the plate up so I could sit down on my bed. I start to eat the first pancake. After I finished I wiped the grease off my fingers onto the side of my bed and I reach for the letter. It had my name written on the front 'Kathryn Smith' I flip the letter over and start to open it. I start opening it from the corner of the letter and then I hear noises coming towards my room.

"KATHRYN!" Kai screaming my name. While running through my door with the letter in his hand as he leans against the door frame.

"WHAT, WHAT IS IT?!" I say shocked and worried something had happened.

"Have you opened the letter?" Kai said running out of breath.

"No? Why do you ask?" I say looking worried.

"Open it now!" Kai said walking over to me.

I started to rip the letter open wondering if something had happened to mum. I open the envelope to find a little piece of paper saying.

"Come over on Friday after school I have a big surprise for you two. Love mum."

I look up at Kai asking if he had got the same note. Kai nodded yes. I ask him.

"I wonder what it is?"

"Don't ask me but I'm going I don't know about you. Plus we haven't seen mum in ages." Kai said while reaching for one of my pancakes.

"Oi! They are mine!" I yell.

"I made them for you" Kai yelled back laughing.

"And they're pretty damn good!" Kai added in.

I laugh at him as he walks out of my room.

I sit there and start thinking what the hell it might be.

I get up off my bed and start to get my school stuff organised and I head down stairs to watch some t.v

After hours watching t.v I accidentally fall asleep on the corner of the couch.

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