Chapter 7

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Janeya's P.O.V.

We're currently walking on a bridge to our secret hideout, and Ania and Cole are at it again.

"Ts, we didn't go out because you. Are. A. Meanie!" Ania pushed Cole's chest with a finger as she said the last words.

"What do you mean we didn't? You even confessed that night!" Cole retorted.

"What?! That's nonsense!" Ania argued.

They've been at it since we left the classroom. They actually shared a past together, and that past was about LOVE. Cole used to have a huge crush on Ania— actually I think he still has— and he never gave up asking her out.

Ania fell in love with him too. But then came Shane who ruined their past, they made up though. But they still argue about it at times— no, all the time actually. Of course, whenever we decide to tease her and invite Cole to hangout with us.

"Did not!" Ania shouted.

Okay, I'm annoyed.

"Guys, that's enough. You both are starting to ruin my mood." I finally said, turning around to face them.

They both looked at me and stopped.

"That's better." I said and turned around again and we all walked to the benches.

"Finally! We're here." Ania said, relieved.

"I'll choose the seating arrangement!" Marcy excaliamed and she pulled both Ania and Cole. Marcy winked at me and I smirked for a split second.

Oh, I get it.

"Okay." I shrugged and sat pulled Dan and Cliff.

I sat down between Dan and Cliff and Marcy sat beside Cliff. Leaving Ania and Cole left together at the other side of the table.

We always do this to them whenever we sit down together, hoping that they would finally sit together with harmony. But then again, not everything goes as planned.

They sat down on both ends and read silently. Marcy and I faced each other and sighed. I just shook my head.

"Okay let's start!" I declared since nothing GOOD was happening.

I have a feeling we're gonna have a very boring afternoon here.

-----After a few minutes-----

"I'm bored..." Cole said while looking at Ania.

"It's nice to meet you bored! I'm Ania and these are my friends Marcy, Cliff, Dan, and Jeya." Ania answered.

"Ha.ha.ha. Very funny." Cole said a bit irritated.

"But really, me too. Let's play a game!" Ania suggested.

"Why sure! I am getting bored too." I agreed. "But what game?"

"How 'bout a little game of spin the bottle?" Ania said and we all looked at each other, and smirked.

Oh Ania, you shouldn't have suggested that. He.he.hehe.he...

"Alright! Who'll go first?" I asked.

"Me!" Marcy said happily and spun the bottle.

Please land on Ania, please land on Ania!

"Hah! It landed on Jeya!" Cole exclaimed.


"So, truth or dare?" Ania asked with a triumphant smirk.

I frowned at my completely failed plan. The others did the same, except for Cole 'course.

"Dare." I said boredly.

"Great! I dare you to... Hmm..."

"I dare you to stay expressionless for 5 minutes and we'll video you!" Marcy finished Ania's sentence for her.

I frowned even more, but then smirked.

"Okay, I accept." I answered and they all smirked. "But if I win, I get to give each of you a dare." I added and all their smirks turned to frowns.

"That ain't fair!" Ania complained.

"It's fair! That's 5 mins your asking!" I debated.

"Ok fine!" Marcy said.

"Do we have a deal?" I held out my hand and smilled with an arched eyebrow.

They all looked at each other and hesitated, but shook my hand in the end.

Hah! This is gonna be easy.


Third person's P.O.V.

4 mins and 35 secs later...

All of them are still trying to let her laugh but she's stone cold and doesn't even move a bit. They've tried everything. Tickling her, putting her finger in her nostril, they even tried pulling her skinny jeans down!

But unlucky them, she wore cyclings underneath her jeans. They actually changed they're clothes because of a quick shower before starting another round.

Cliff started taking his shirt off when Cole whispered to him. Showing off his abs and perfectly fit body with his muscles flexing when he moves. Still, Jeya has no expression.

"Aww c'mon! She doesn't even blush!" Cole complained while the girl just yawned.

"Last 10 secs!" Ania then shouted and they all started counting down.

"3!... 2!... 1!... Aww, Jeya wins the dare." Ania said as she frowned.

"Yes!" Jeya exclaimed and punched her fists in the air.

"I dare Ania to eat a live octopus! Marcy to drink 5 straight shots of liquor! Cliff to put his shirt back on and twerk while singing tatlong bibe! Daniel to dance 7/11 by Beyonce while we're videoing it then post it on Facebook for it to become viral! And last but not the least, I dare Cole to kiss Ania." She added as she crossed her arms and smirked.

"What?!" Cole exclaimed.

"It's ok to admit that you're a scaredy cat, we'll---"

"I am most certainly not!!!" Cole interrupted Jeya.

"Oh re---. Wait a sec..." Jeya then was cutt off because of the ringing of her phone.


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Ms Filthy Rich, Cold, Bitchy PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now