Chapter 17

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Cliff's P.O.V.

Later that day...

"Hey Dan! Can I talk to you for a minute?" I called him before he opened his car.

"Uhm... Yeah, sure." He turned back and walked towards me.

"Hey uhm... I know this is awkward since we're— kinda— love rivals but, I hope Jeya won't be the reason for our friendship to end." I scratched my nape and held out my hand.

He smiled and shook it.

"Sure... I gotta go now, my mom's expecting me in an hour." He smiled at me then waved and walked to his car and drove away.

I just watched him until his car was out of my sight.

I sighed.

I walked towards my car and drove away too.

"Why must it be Janeya? I mean, Marcy's cool... As well as Ania but, why her?" I said to myself.

*beep beep*

^Aa Mom calling^

"Hey mom."

"Hey son, what seems to be bothering you? My mother senses are tinggling."

I chuckled.

"Well, you are aware that I have a crush on Jeya right?"

She hummed.

"My friend Dan also has a crush on her... What do I do?" She gasped. It took her a few seconds before answering.

"Son, for now all I can tell you is, don't let Jeya be the reason of your friendship to end and leave some pride for yourself so that if ever you won't end up with each other, you won't breakdown." She said.

"Okay thank you, bye. Love you."

"Bye, love you too my son..." She ended the call and the traffic lights turned green.

I drove home.


When I reached home, I walked to my room. I went to the bathroom to do a quick wash.

If I want her to be mine, I should do something... But what? I know there's a lot of things I can try but, I don't think any of them will work. Knowing Jeya, she's like a mash-up of songs... One day she's girly, the next she's bitchy, then later on cold, then back to being kind again.

But I gotta do something.

Nah, maybe not now... I have to make her fall for me first. Maybe I should surprise her?

*beep beep*

^Jeya calling^

Aaaand she beat me to it...


"Hey! What's up? How're you doing?"

"I'm fine. Are you busy?" Yes. Busy of thinking a way to make you fall for me.

"No, I'm free. Why?"

"I need help. I need you to follow my exact instructions."

"Wait, what? What's happening?"

Ms Filthy Rich, Cold, Bitchy PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now