On the Outside Looking In

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      I couldn't believe it. My mate was the King of dragons? It wasn't possible! My mate was the dragon that my father, the werewolf King, has on the top of his kill list. I froze. My entire body froze as I just gawked at him.  I ran all this new information through my mind. My father would expect me to kill him on the spot. But how could i do that to my mate? If i rejected him, it was as good as a death sentence for the both of us. He might survive it. But i know i wouldn't. Aria growled at the thought of rejecting Calvin. I let out a sigh and shook my head free of my thoughts and looked back up at my mate.

      I nearly jumped out of my skin seeing him close to my face, his hands on either side of my face. I realized that while i was zoned out, he had been speaking to me. I shivered slightly as i felt sparks tingle through my skin where our skin was touching. How had i not felt them? Must have been too deep in thought to notice. "Sorry. Zoned out. What did you say?" I murmured to him. His golden eyes gazed into mine as if searching for any lie before he moved back, his hands dropping from my face. "I said would you like a tour? I want to introduce you to a few people. I know its kind of sudden. But i want you to know my world." Calvin said with a nervous smile at me. I blinked at him for a moment before slowly nodding. I guess i should. I may be his Queen one day. His smile broadened and he took my hand, excitedly pulling me towards the door.

     I pulled back. "Calvin wait!" I yipped to him. While one of my hands was wrapped in his, my other was trying to pull down the shirt he lent me, which was currently my only article of clothing. There was no way i was walking around this place practically naked! Calvin stopped and looked at my red face and then moved his eyes down to where i was holding the shirt down. He let go of my hand and rubbed the back of his head. "Oh...Right. Should probably get you some proper clothes first." He muttered to himself and then he zoned out. Did Weredragons have mind links like we do? After a few moments Calvin looked to me. "Clothes should be here soon." He said as he went and sat on the bed. I watched him and took a moment to ogle his body once again. My wolf let out a purr of appreciation as she started shooting a bunch of dirty thoughts at me, which i quickly blocked.

   A couple minutes later there was a two soft taps on the door. "Enter." Calvin said and two girls about my age came in with arm fulls of clothes each. One of the girls was a caramel skinned girl with long wavy brown hair and almond shaped brown eyes. She was a little shorter than me, but she seemed like she was fully capable of kicking ass. The other girl looked a little younger than the other girl, who seemed to be around my age, and had a lighter shade of caramel skin with long lighter brown curly hair and light brown eyes. This girl seemed more laid back than the other dragons I've met and didn't seem to think of me as a threat at all. "Ah. Thank you Malka, Claire. I expect you both to have her ready when I return within the hour." Calvin ordered as he walked towards the now open door as the girls laid the clothes on the bed. "Sir, Yes Sir!" The younger of the girls grinned with a mock solute. Calvin laughed a bit before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

  The younger girl grinned broadly and then flipped around towards me and hopped over. "Hi! I'm Claire! But you can call me Claire!" She smiled, holding out her hand towards me. I resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow at her and instead took her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Haylee." I smiled, giving her hand a small shake before letting it go. "Nice to meet you too, Haylee!" Claire grinned and looked to the other girl who was watching us, rolling her eyes at the younger girl's antics. "Thats Malka. Don't mind her. Shes a stick in the mud!" Claire whispered to me just loud enough for Malka to hear. Malka scowled in Claire's direction and i couldn't stop a small laugh from escaping. "Forgive me, My Lady. Claire is a hyper brat." Malka said as she glared at Claire who huffed at her friend playfully. "Its alright. I don't mind really. She reminds me of one of my friends back home." I smiled, thinking of Sam. Breaking out of my thoughts i turned back to the two girls and walked over to the bed where the clothes were. "You guys have good taste, I'll give you that." I smiled, holding up some black jean booty shorts that had black and red plaid patters stitched into them. "These are all Malka's clothes. King Slade figured that you two were about the same size." Claire explained with a smile. I smiled back and turned to Malka. "Thank you for the clothes."  She just nodded and watched as i picked out my outfit. Black laced bra and panties. Thankfully i could tell these were new, they still had tags on them. A black tank top and a black and red plaid over shirt with black sandles.

      I was about to start putting them on when Malka stopped me. "Please get a shower first. He wants your wounds cleaned and re-bandaged and it'll be easier to style your hair if its clean." she murmured, i almost didn't hear her. I nodded my head and looked around the abnormally large room for the Bathroom door. Balcony door. Closet door. Storage closet. As i opened each door i became a bit frustrated. Who has so many doors in one room? Malka and Claire giggled a bit as they watched my frustration and Malka stepped forward to help. She opened the door that was right between the storage closet and the clothes closet to reveal a beautiful white and red tile bathroom with stainless steal sinks and a large walk in shower that even had a bench inside it. It was beautiful.

I scowled at not having found the bathroom on my own,  but shrugged it off.  I walked towards the shower and twisted the dials,  turning on the water and adjusting the temperature just right. It felt good to wash the dirt and blood from my body with the hot soothing water. I even squeezed in some time to shave! I let out a sigh of relief as i got out if the shower and started to dry myself off. Looking into the mirror, i got a better look at my wounds. There was a puncture wound in my shoulder and four identical claw marks across my side. Thankfully they seemed to be healing properly and the puncture was already nearly closed. The claw marks would take a little longer. After wrapping more gauze around my wounds i started to put on the clothes i picked out, wrapping my hair in a towel to dry it faster. I jumped as a knock on the door startled me.

"Are you dont yet?! Or am i breaking down the door?" Claire's voice called from the other side. I rolled my eyes with a chuckle before leaving the bathroom, unwrapping my nearly dry hair from the towel. "Its about time. We thought you drowned! Right Malka?" Claire grinned, looking towards her friend. Malka shrugged and said nothing more before she got up and walked towards me. "We'll brush out your hair for you." She murmured meekly. I could only nod in response as the went to work. It had to have been at lease 15 minutes of Claire's gossiping and lots of hair tugging later when they finally released me. "There! Ohhh you're so pretty when you're not covered in dirt!" Claire clapped and Malka gave her a glare. I chuckled a bit and thanked them both as a knock sounded on the door before it opened to reveal Calvin in a black t shirt and basketball shorts. "Ready?"

A smile lit my face as i walked over to him. "As I'll ever be."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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