Lighting the spark (part 1)

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Basically what's happening now is I'm churning out chapters just to get the flow going again. At least that way you lot will have something to keep you going and then the story may get finished . . . no more nasty cliff-hangers and waiting two years for updates hehe . . . maybe I'll start a new story . . .  but let's not get ahead of ourselves :) Thank you to everyone who has gotten in touch to say they are rereading the story and finding a new love for it all over again! you people make this whole process worth it, and if I could share the confidential story line information with you, I would, just so you didn't have to sit in suspense waiting for the next update . . .

Anywhoooo, enjoy, keep in touch and keep voting and commenting - some of your comments just put a smile on my face! I LOVE THEM! Keep up the good work guys! much love! xxx


I felt like an utter mess when Mrs. H opened the door of 221B for me. Coffee flask in hand, I had caught my reflection in Speedy's shop window, messy hair that I hadn't washed since two night ago, same creased clothes as yesterday and huge bags under my eyes from a devastating lack of sleep. I hadn't even seen Dad to ask him about his date but then again I wasn't in the mood for chit-chat at the moment, so any attempt would have only been half-hearted and disappointing for him.

My laptop bag felt heavy on my shoulder, weighing me down on one side, th strap cutting into my skin.

She regarded me with soft eyes, "Everly? The boys mentioned you would be over today. Are you okay, sweetie?"

At that point I wanted to burst into tears, it was the question that always set me off when I was in a terrible mood, but instead I gave a weak smile and put on my best acting.

"I'm great, Mrs.H, how about you?" I entered the hallway and stood at the foot of the stairs, ready to make a quick ascent.

"Oh you know, my hip is playing up a little, but everything else is good. You keep the noise down up there, I'm listening to my favourite radio show this morning." And with that she disappeared humming into her kitchen.

I wondered up the stairs to find Sherlock's flat door open and could just see John tidying up the coffee table of a few magazines and newspapers.

"You're late," Sherlock grumbled from somewhere behind me before I had even managed to make my presence known to John, "Then again you look like a wreck."

I nodded in agreeance, raising my coffee flask, "Cheers."

John looked slightly more concerned but thankfully didn't delve into questioning me. Instead he picked up his notebook and pen and sat down on the sofa, "Okay so can we just run through some things before Mycroft gets-,"

There was a sudden outburst of commotion downstairs before footsteps on the stairs and Mycroft appearing in the doorway.

"You can't just walk in her like that!" Mrs Hudson shouted from somewhere behind him.

"Sherlock, please call off your guard dog," Mycroft looked as tired as me, obviously, this scare was causing most us to lose sleep.

"It's okay Mrs. H, he's just a rude, arrogant government official." I sighed as I walked into the kitchen to tip the contents of my flask into a mug.

"Did you bring the laptop I asked for?" I said in Mycroft's direction as he made himself comfy leaning against the doorframe like a vampire that needed inviting in. I wasn't going to do that, he could stay there for all I cared.

He held an expensive looking black leather laptop bag out in my direction and I took it off him swiftly, tipping the chunky laptop out and setting it down next to the one we had retrieved from APS Security and sitting on the floor, my back to the sofa.

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