Chapter 11- She's woke up

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Noah's POV

Is been a 1 weeks Taylor hasn't woke up. I don't care i wait her even i have to wait over 10000 years. I'm going to see her like right now. I walked to her room and opened it.

I sat next to her as always and say,

"Tay? How long did you have to be half alive? How long? I missed you so much." I said hold her hands.

Suddenly her hands moving..


"Tay? You- you wake up!" I said with a joy.

"I do." She smiled .

"I missed you so much." I said pulled her into a hug.

"I missed you too! " she answered.

"I'm going to tell Karlie Selena and Harry that you woke up!" I said and pulled my phone from my pocket


Taylor's POV

I woke up. And i see iam at the hospital. I must be on a coma. It felt like i'm sleeping over a year.



"Did Harry visited me?"

"He does. Why?"

"But where is he?"

"Umm i don't know. Probably with Kendall."

Who is Kendall?

"Who is she?"

"Harry's new's friends."

"Oh." Was all i could say.

"So you've told them i'm awake?"

"Yep. They coming."

"I'm so excited!" I said with the biggest smile.

~ a while later ~

"Oh my god Taylor!" Karlie said pulled me into a tight hug.

"My Kloss!" I said and we both laughed.

"I can't believe your awake! I love you so much!" She said.

"I love you more!!" I said.


"Taylor?!?" Selena yelled in excitement.

"SEL!" I yelled and we gave each other a warm hug. I need her as a bestfriends. Forever and always.

"You know i was worried about you!" Selena wiped her tears.

"Heyy don't cry! Atleast i'm okay now! How's life been without me?" I asked.

"It's boring." She mumbled.

Someone *knock* the door.

"Harry's here ! I leave you two to talk. But i think i'm going to asked Karlie and Noah if we can get an eat." Sel whispered. I nodded.

"Taylor?" Harry eyes widened.

"Hey." I said smiled.

"I'm sorry for everything. I know i fucked up so many times. You need to know that you are my breathe that i can't live without. Please forgive me. I love you so much. I maybe worst yesterday. But i try my best to be more better for tomorrow." He said.

"You know i can't stay mad too long to you. So can we do it again?" I said with the biggest smile.

"I though you never asked." He said and we kissed. I put my arm around his neck and he put his hands around my waist. The kiss felt very passion. I miss this moment so much. We pulled away and he said,

"I like you to meet my new friends. Kendall." He said. I'm gonna be honest. It's actually makes me jealous so much but i think i should trust him. They friends.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Umm actually she's not going hospital. But you can meet her tomorrow or i'll tell her to come over." He answered.

"Okay,but can you asked the doctor when did i can come home?" I asked.

"I would love to. Stay here i'll be back in a moment." He said kissed my forehead and leave.

Harry's POV

"Um hello doctor. I would like to asked when did Taylor can come home? She's awake." I said.

"Are you related to her?"

"No but i'm his boyfriend"

"Ok, well Ms Swift can come home by tomorrow. And make sure she don't have too much activities." The doctor said.

"Ok, Thankyou." I said and leave to Taylor's room.

"Tay! The doctor said you can come home by tomorrow! And tried not to do too much activities!" I sequaled.

"YAY! Finally get out of this hell!" She yelled with excitement.

"I pack your clothes!" I said.

"Okay ! Thanks!" She said and gave me a quick kiss.

Hey guys! Actually this chapter should be posted by yesterday but my wifi sucks! And plus i add more words in it. But anyway Taylor woke up! I try my best to put the romantic between Harry and Taylor! So please stay tuned for more! I think i update tomorrow or Monday probably. Thanks everyone for reading!

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