Chapter 5

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Lee Jeongyeon POV

Today is the day where I need to see my boyfriend. I mean today his concert. Omma told me to go. She said she tired to cheer his son up so I decided to go. At least, I need to be there for him. This also the only way to meet him right now.

Now I'm in front stadium where the concert will be held. I decided to surprise him so I'm not going to see him at backstage before performance. He loves coffee. I should buy for him.

I went to back door. One of his stylish saw me and went towards me. I gave to her the coffee that I bought. She looked at me confusedly. Ah, maybe because I usually cheer him before performance. I just said that I want to surprise him. His stylish just nodded understand.

I decided to walk around since there still have 2 hours more before the door open to get in. I looked around the stadium. There have many things sell here. Jongdae really popular everyday. I envy him.

" Jeongyeon ? " I turned around and saw Jonghyun. What he doing here ?

" I company my cousin " he said before I could ask. Looks like he can read my mind.

" Where your cousin now ? " I asked.

" Totally gone with her friends. She invited me but left me alone " He said and mumbled the last words. He raised his eyebrows to me.

" So you and Chen now ? " he asked.

" Nothing much " I replied shortly.

" You come here to support him ? " he asked and I nodded as replied.

" Should we go inside ? " I asked him. He looked at his watch.

" It still early " I know he will say that.

I pulled him to back door. I showed my pass to the security and he let me in. Jonghyun shocked but then he fine. Maybe he remembered that I'm close with Jongdae. We went to our seat. We chatting before the concert start.

Not long enough, I already heard the fans entered the stadium. Slowly the stadium filled up with the heat from fans. It been a while since I come here. I mean I always join his concert but I'm not sat with the fans. I just sat at backstage.

The fans screamed as the idol that they waited for a long time entered the stage. My eyes can't off from Jongdae. I knew there have eight more handsome guy but only he can get my attention. I watched them.

They really deserved this love from people. They really talented and like I said deserve. The concert went well like it should be. Jonghyun need to leave because his cousin want to leave. I can't stop him anyway.

I got off from my seat and went to backstage. Everyone really work hard. I tried to find Jongdae's room. I found it. Before I could enter, someone grabbed my hand. I looked who is it. I smiled when It Kim Taewon or Kasper the popular dancer.

" It been a long time, Jeongyeon " he said.

" I know right. You must be busy now especially when you already have fans now " I teased him.

" Geez, I still just a back up dancer not like Jongdae Hyung, talented " he said. I chuckled when he said like that.

" Whatever, I still your number one fans " I said. He nodded understand.

" See you later, Jeongyeon " he said and waved goodbye. He need to leave.

I opened Jongdae's room. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped with what I saw. I don't know this will hit me soon. I know about this but this just too fast for me to accept it. I froze on my spot. How much I hate myself for see this.

" Jeongyeon ? What- oh shit " Chanyeol cursed. Jongdae noticed me and his eyes widened.

" Jeongyeon, I will explain to you " he begged me.

I ran out from the stadium hoped he won't follow me this far. I can't believe he freaking made out with someone else. Will I able to stay by his side after what I saw ?

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