Chapter 25

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I wait in the seat beside her bed, scrolling through my phone. My dad's given me some Alpha stuff to do, per my request, to get my mind off killing Red Blood's Alpha. They are vulnerable; we know where they are. No one's come in to see her; they're not allowed. Only two people at a time, not including the doctor. Luke's been in and out constantly, Alpha Turner has come in every now and then too. I've given them time alone with her, not wanting to make them wait to see her. As much as I want to stay with her, I need to let her family get priority.

She's been out for sixteen hours.

Dwayne had done a physical scan on her, smothering her whole back in a cream to help draw out infection. If we had waited any longer to get her out of there, he fears that she wouldn't recover at all. She's lucky to be alive as it is. Due to being treated hours after the wounds were inflicted, it means it'll take longer to heal and she'll be left with horrendous scars. It'll be a constant reminder of what they did to her, along with the rune burnt into her side. An X-ray showed a small crack on one of her ribs where I remember the Alpha punching her. It's almost healed, due to being an older wound but it's still big enough to inflict pain to her. It took a lot to keep from growling at him when he touched her. He kept looking up at me, permission seeking almost, before touching her. It probably made his job harder and probably wasn't helpful to my mate but I couldn't help it. Mom actually dragged me out when Dwayne unclasped her bra to get more access to the cuts.

I went to Dad to get some Alpha-like work, to keep my mind busy. He hadn't argued, knowing exactly what I was going through. Luke offered me reassurance that an older brother would give when his sister is in a life-threatening condition. I had given him a shirt of mine to wear, knowing he had no change of clothes. He had taken them hesitantly. I guess being the Prince does that.

"Why are hospital beds so uncomfortable?" I hear a moan and I look up to see her awake. Her blue eyes are lidded as she screws them up to block out the blinding light. She's trying to sit up but stops trying after a minute.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting you to wake up so soon" I put down everything and stand next to the bed, leaning against the side. She forces a smile as she looks around the room.

"I can tell; it looks like you were planning on doing a stakeout in here" There's only a pillow and blanket in the corner, given to me by Doctor Dwayne. I didn't even ask, he just gave them. "How long have I been out cold?"

"Only a few of hours- it's afternoon now. How are you feeling?" I ask, not really expecting her to say 'fine'.

"Better, which isn't saying much. I still feel like I'm being whipped" she shivers and I kiss the back of her hand reassuringly. I mind-link Dwayne that she's awake, as he asked me to. A minute later, he comes in and smiles seeing my mate awake.

"Miss Turner, I'm relieved to see you awake" he says, coming to stand next to the bed. He stands a fair distance away, well aware of how protective I can turn out to be right now.

"I'm relieved to be awake, Doc and not be in a cell" she comments, arching her back from the mattress. "Why are these bed's so uncomfortable?"

"It's to discourage people trying to stay in longer than necessary" Dwayne answers, checking a clip-board. "Is it alright if I do another check on her wounds, Austin?" I nod, despite it being her that's being checked. He asks me to help her into a sitting position, which she ends up leaning fully against me. Her hands screw in my top when he touches her, trying hard not to make a noise. He gives me a nod and I help her lie back down.

"How bad is it, Doc?" I ask, reluctantly. Dwayne gives me a look, looking to my mate. She nods, giving him permission to tell us both.

"Well, the gashes on your back are heavily infected due to being in a cell after opening such deep wounds. The burn on your side is letting out too much heat, you're severely underweight, your trachea is burnt and to top it all off, your wolf is too weak to help you heal quick enough" Dwayne lists off all the things he's written down on his clipboard. My mate looks away after hearing all of this, pained.

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