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His hands fall to his sides and his vibrant green eyes lock on mine as we sit in the moment. The sun is setting and the purple and blue hues settle beautifully with the mixture of the whites from the fluff in the sky. His lips part like he is going to talk but then he stops and smiles at me, his white teeth have their slight flaws like any other person in the world. He takes a deep breath before he says, "I really enjoy spending time with you."

I smile at him and I can feel the heats rush their way into my cheeks. My lips part and they form the words before I can even comprehend that I am replying to him, "I enjoy spending time with you, too." My voice is a just loud enough for him to hear. Everything feels right as we sit there. Out of the corners of our eyes it is clear that we're are sitting in public. There are the blurs of the people rushing up and down the walk ways of the marketplace.

I face away from him for a slight moment to observe a small child that is playing in the fountain in front of the bookstore. She's happy and her small hands splash in the water as her mother and father watch her happily. The girl's small pigtails bounce on her head as she turns to face her parents. The small cheeks on her face rise as she smiles at them with the look of complete and total innocence. She throws her hands up, that are still wet from the water, and says, "Mommy, this is so much fun!" Her eyes seem to sparkle in the moment and I realize that I have never had the same freedom that this small girl has at her age. She couldn't be any older than four or five. A part of my mind tells me that her parents are reckless and do not care about her maybe falling in the shallow pool, but again it seems like they want their daughter to enjoy her childhood which felt like something I was never allowed to have.

The girl's parents walk over to her and pick her up. While her mother is drying the girl's hands, her father is fishing through his pockets from something. I don't realize what it is until he hands it to the newly dry hands of his daughter. "Here you go, Amy. Throw this in and make a wish." He says this as the girl takes the shinning silver coin in her hand. She holds it tightly for a moment before her mother sets her down and she closes her eyes so tightly she has small wrinkles on her forehead. The tiny fingers on her hands tightly keep a hold on the coin as she raises her hands up. If the small girl had been kneeling, I would've sworn she was praying to a God I don't believe in.

Once the girl releases the coin from her hands and it splashes in to the water leaving small dots on the sidewalk, her parents take her hands having her between them as they walk away. Little Amy has a small skip in her walk before they pull her up and swing her, her adorable giggles have a slight echo in the still darkening sky. Her giggles fade away with their figures. Finally, the feeling of wanting to be young again creeps into my mind and find myself quite upset. My thoughts take over my mind and I nearly forget I'm out in public with someone else.

"Cute family," His voice breaks me from the depressing thoughts. I thank him mentally as I turn and face him again. He is still staring off in the direction I had found myself staring in a minute or so previously. I feel a little better knowing I wasn't the only one that was distracted from the "date" we were on.

"They were, weren't they?" I ask looking away from him right as he turns back to look at me. I don't want to get caught staring at him, that would feel far too awkward for me. I catch a glimpse of a female walking by. She is on the phone with a few bags in her hands. I don't pay much attention to the bags because I'm too focused on the words she is speaking, "I'll be home soon," are the only words I can make out which leaves me to assume she is talking to a spouse or partner. She seems far too young to have a child.

"Edward?" I say when I do look back at him. His full attention is on me and I find myself smiling at him again. I feel special knowing this human that has comforted me many times before only pays attention to me and not to the noise around us.

"What's up, Dee?" He asks with such a light and friendly tone that it takes me a moment to remember what I want to ask him to being with. He watches me as he waits for my reply, his eyes showing his patience.

I blink a few times before taking a deep breath, "Have you ever planned on having kids when you're older?" My question seems to make him smile brightly. I admire the slight dimples he has as he takes a moment to think.

I watch as he glances around a few times as if he wants to keep his reply just a secret between the two of us, "I have," He replies with the quietest voice I have ever heard from him, "But I really never plan to have kids until I'm happily married with the girl of my dreams." The statement "Girl of my dreams," really sets off alarms in my head. I cannot tell if he is referring to me or if he is referring to someone else. I go to speak but before I can I find myself blushing like crazy. This sudden rush of heat was not because of what he had said to me just moments before, but because of the suddenness of what he was now currently doing. He was leaning forward and I feel my heart hammering in my chest because his lips are really warm on my own. I don't really understand the meeting of our lips and when we both pull away we are back to sitting in silence.

I look down and have my hands down in my lap. I twiddle my thumbs around a few times trying to rid myself of the hammering heart and the blush that was still betraying my face. I feel embarrassed. Not only was I completely quiet after it, I also hadn't returned the kiss. I don't really know how I would've.

There was a stone fireplace in front of us and if the fires of it had not blazed up in this moment, the two of us probably would have been left in the silence of the moment. I jump because I'm startled. I look up and realize I have been so focused on other things I have not even watched the rest of the sky turn the deep blue it now was.

"I'm sorry if that was too weird for you." He says.

"No, not at all." I say back. My lips curl into a soft smile and I feel a rush of happiness as this boy returns the smile and everything feels right.

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