hi there

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Hi there. I'm just gonna start writing about me and my life. I'm 17 and a half today and yes i'm about to end my school life and also i'm still a 'kid'. i'm going to start everything from scratch.

I was born in May 1999. I am from a country call Malaysia live in a city name Ipoh in the state Perak. I'm Malay and a Muslim. To be honest i'm partially Malay. My parents aren't pure Malay breed but there must at least be a few drop of Malay blood in the family somewhere. Oh ya just in case you guys are wondering about my gender, i'm a female.

In this beautiful city there is a town named 'Tambun'. My maternal grandma, lives there. i call her Mama. and i called my granddad Bapak. Bapak past away 4 years ago. he was my hero. Mama and Bapak aren't 'easy' people. They have to work hard just to earn enough for the whole family. So for a moment of my life there, i actually felt what its like to live in difficulty. Mama is very good at sewing. when she was younger most of the villagers came to her and asked her to sew them new clothes. Especially during Raya celebrations. Mama is my favourite person. My mom comes after her. 

On the other hand my dad's family is the opposite. his parents, Opah and Atuk were having great jobs and they dont have much money problem compared to Mama and Bapak. Opah and Atuk had monthly salaries so they always have enough for the whole family. My dad is the youngest among his siblings. he's child no.4. Atuk was a principal in some school and retired as a principal of SYS Batu Gajah. a boy's school. SYS Batu Gajah even had a 'pondok' named after my Atuk. Opah retired as a senior assistant. i forgot which school but i do remembered she told me she worked in MGS Ipoh as a senior asst. b4. 

Atuk passed away when i was 11. i couldn't accept that tbh. both my granddad means so much to me. after Bapak passed away my happiness was so limited. i hardly enjoyed my life and i couldnt control myself.

well thts enough of my grandparents. now my parents, mommy and daddy. yes i call them that. weird for a Malay girl but i got influenced by English cartoons until i started calling them that haha. daddy was once a teacher in ACS Ipoh then he got a promotion in becoming something better. daddy was an English language teacher. mommy wasn't working until i turn 8. well she did a few part time jobs. she is now a secretary in a private company. 

i dont have much to talk about them though. not much childhood memories with them. maybe i did but its gone maybe? i dont know. but there is one thing i remember and i'll continue on the next chapter.

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