Chapter 2; Too Comfortable

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***Warning; This chapter involves rape and violence. Read at your own discretion.***


Its been weeks. Opie has yet to return. Pops and I are taking turns with Kenny and Ellie. I have been granted to work with the Charming Police while I'm here so my training isn't lost. Gem says that Opie told Jax he will be back today. I hope so, Olly. I miss my brother. But I think the kids miss him more.

My Uncle Bobby is coming home tonight too. A homecoming party is at the club later. I wish you were here. You would love Bobby. I miss you Olly. I hope to see you soon. I will know when I will be coming home probably after I talk to Op.

Well I got to go. I just wanted to reply to your email. I hope your not mad at me for not coming home with you. I gotta be here for Opie. I hope you understand.

Love Always,


"Come on Kenny! Ellie! I'm taking you to school today!" I call for them as I shut my computer off. I slide it to the middle of the table before standing up. I grab the sack lunches I made for my niece and nephew.

They meet me at the door. Ellie is dressed a cute, yellow sundress while her brother just had a band t-shirt with jeans on. Both are frowning. I could tell they missed Opie, and missed Donna more. "I made you both PB&J. With doritos and a soda for lunch. And please give me a smile. I hate seeing frowns this earlier in the morning." I say, handing them their lunch.

Ellie shakes her head and stays quiet. Kenny looks down at his tennis shoes before looking up at me. "Is daddy going to be home today?" He asks. Ellie pushes past us and walks out the door. The poor girl just feels alone, I'm trying my best.

I bite my lip, watching her go to the car. And then I look back at my sweet nephew. "If your daddy comes home, you and Ellie will be the first ones he sees, I promise." I take my hand and ruffle his hair. "Come on. We don't wanna be late."

I grab Opie's car keys and follow Kenny out the door. I have been using Donna's car because I don't have a car here. I get in and flash the kids a smile before starting the car. The drive to the kids' school is silent. I pull up within minutes to the curb.

"Bye Ken, El. Have a good day. See you later." I call to them, only to receive just a weak wave from both. I hate it that I can't do anything else for them. I just hope Opie will come home and talk to them. They need their dad.

I drive to the clubhouse. Today is my day off. And I promise Gemma that I would have lunch with her. I park the car in one of the only empty spots in the lot. Getting out, I pull at my white blouse. I went for a more casual look today, some dark skinny jeans with a white button up blouse with some black ankle boots.

Walking up to the garage, Gemma meets me halfway. "Hey, sugar. How were the kids this morning?" She kisses my lips before hugging me. Her and her matriarch ways. If she kissed anyone on the lips, you were family. Or at least that was what I learned before mom dragged me away from Charming all those years ago.

"Morning, Gemma. Same as they day before that, and the day before that. They need Opie, their father. Not their Aunt Harper." I hug her back.

"He should be back today. Jax told me that he should be here. And honey, you can drag him out of her to see those kids if you'd like. I will get the boys to help if I have too. " Gemma winks. Her hand on my shoulder. "You are doing the best you can with what has happened. How is your old man holding up back in Los Angeles?"

"Olin is pissed that I'm not home yet. I think he just misses me because of the sex." I giggle. Gemma put her arm around mine and pulls me into the office. Abel, Jax's son is in his carseat, fast asleep. "Oh look at the big guy!" I coo, the sight of a baby makes my womb ache.

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