Chapter 3: Because You Didn't

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One concussion
Four broken ribs
Left wrist sprained, almost broke
Fourteen cuts over torso and arms
Twenty or more bruises on various parts of Harper's body.

I look over the incident report, my incident report. Tara signed off on me being discharged in an hour. Having been here for a week, I was ready to claw myself out of this pace. But I opted for the safer option.

"Hey, darlin'. Imma be downstairs waitin' on you when you are ready." Jax says on the phone when I answer my phone.

"Alright, Jax." I smile even though he couldn't see me through the phone. It felt refreshing to know that I didn't have to look at these white walls anymore.

"Don't you worry bout a thing. Opie said he set you up a room for you at his house." Jax says.

"Yeah." I frown. I love Opie to death, but he was suffocating. At least Ma is giving me my space. Opie been watching me all week like a hawk as it is. "Ok. See you when I get downstairs."

"Alright, darlin'." Jax mutters before hanging up.

The hour comes quick, Tara brings me my release papers and then I'm being wheeled into the elevators. The nurse is quiet as we go down to the lobby. She pushes me out to where Jax is waiting with Opie and my father.

I can't help the smile that comes to my face when I see the three men that I love. "Hey guys." I say weakly. The nurse stops me just in front of them.

Suddenly I am jerked up from the wheelchair and pulled into my father's arms. "I'm really glad you are okay, kiddo." He says as he holds me.

I gasp as everything still hurts. "As much as I love your hugs, Daddy, I'm in pain still." My wrist that is in a brace pats his back. He lets go hesitantly.

"Sorry, Harp." Pops mutters.

Opie hugs me quickly. "Pops and I will meet you back at the clubhouse, Jax. Alright? You go home and rest, Harper." He smiles at me.

"Alright, brother." Jax nods.

"See you at home later, Opie." I wave weakly. Already tired.

"Want me to wheel you out, Harp?" Jax smirks.

"Yes, please. I'm already tired of standing." I blush. Sitting back down in the wheelchair. I look up just in time to see Opie and Pops flying out of the parking lot on their motorcycles.

Jax gets behind me. Starting to push me out the door. "I got you, Harp. It won't be too much for you to be on my bike right?" He asks. "You can always tell me to stop and I can get Ma to come get you in her car. Okay?"

"I think I will be fine." I say through gritted teeth. Clenching my fists.

"Alright, darlin'." Jax says. I could practically hear the smile in his voice without looking at him.

Once we get to his motorcycle, Jax helps me out of the wheelchair and hands me the extra helmet. I snap it on, letting Jax get on the bike before me. Then I swing my legs over swiftly. Wincing at the sudden movement and I straddle Jax from behind. I wrap my arms around him.

Jax cranks up the bike. It roars to life. He backs up slowly then pulls out of the parking lot. Leaving the wheelchair behind. I bury my face into his back. My whole body is hurting. I should of told Jax to just let Gemma come get me in the car. This motorcycle is going to kill me.

I turn my head to the side and look out to the road. We were flying by some woods. Suddenly the pain overwhelms me, tears flood my eyes. My arms tighten around Jax. "Stop! Jax! Stop Now!" I cry out. Memories of the rape and the attack swarm my brain.

Jax glances back at me. "Hold on, Harp." He shouts over the rumbles of the motorcycle. I bury my face into his back as I cry more. I feel us turning and coming slowly to an abrupt halt.

I pull myself off of Jax and take the helmet off. Letting it fall to the ground. Jax follows after me. "Are you alright?" He look at me with those blue eyes, full of confusion.

Tears just keep falling. "No, I'm not alright. I have been raped, Jax. And beaten. I won't be okay for awhile." I cry out. My arms coming up and wrapping around myself.

"Shit, Harper. I know you've been through some hell. I just ...I just care about ya." Jax reaches out to touches my arm and I instantly step back.

"I am a cop. I am trained to be strong. And right now, I can't be strong with so much pain." I whimper. Looking down at the ground. "I just need the pain to be gone." I look up at him. "It is a permanent nightmare, Jax. It haunts me. The scenes change, but it happens the same."

"What can I do?" Jax asks. He bites his bottom lip, his arms open, almost welcoming. "How can I help you, Harp?"

"I need justice. I want those men found and I want them to get a taste of their own medicine, Jax. You're the Prince of SAMCRO. If anyone can make it happen, it's you." Anger taking control of me finally. Tears are drying upon my cheeks as my fists were clenched at my sides.

"If I'm the Prince, you're the motherfucking princess, Harper Winston because you would be the one to get this done other than me." He says with a smirk. That smirk makes me sick.

"It's not funny. I never did anything to deserve what happened. I'm not involved in the club so why the hell was I involved in this attack?" Anger bubbles over inside me as I yell at Jax. "I haven't been here for only two months and I get attacked like some piece of meat. I'm mad at myself. I'm mad at the club. And most importantly I'm mad at you, Jackson."

"Why me?" Jax looks at me.

"Because you never loved me back. You never saw past the pigtails to see the girl who was hopelessly in love with you. I loved you. And you never loved me. Now I have a beautiful man that loves me and I can't even give him all of me because of motherfucking Jax Teller. Because of you!" I scream. Angry tears spill over my cheeks, my knees buckle and I fall. My eyes close, expecting to crash onto the ground and surrender to all kinds of pain that awaits me, but arms catch me. I look up into Jax's bright blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, Harper. I'm sorry that I didn't love you like you wanted me too. Olin is a very lucky man." Jax's eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips.

"I swear to God, Jax, I will knee you in the balls if you kiss me again." I mutter in his arms.

"Noted, darlin'." Jax nods. "Let me take you home. You need rest." He picks me up like a child. Jax cradles me in front of him as he drives slowly back to Opie's house. Jax helps me inside. I take something for the pain before laying down.

"Can I get you anything else before I leave?" Jax asks from the doorway.

I shake my head. "Nothing I can think of." He turns to leave. "Jax.." I call out.

"Yea..."Jax looks back at me.

"I'm not telling Olin about the attack. He would just come out here and just try to get involved. And it's best if he just doesn't know." I mutter.

"Are you sure?" Jax tucks his hands into his pockets.

"Yes. I am. And it's not the painkillers taking. What Olin doesn't know, won't kill him. I just don't want him worrying about me." I say as my eye feel very heavy all of a sudden.

"Goodnight Harp." Is the last thing I hear before I'm completely and utterly asleep.

***Ok So this was a short little update. I hope you liked it. Harper is going through a lot right now. What do you think will happen? Comment and vote!!!***

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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