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Mark: Monday, 28 November

I straightened my tie before deciding to take it off entirely, I was subbing, not walking into my own classroom. Looking at myself in my car mirror I let out a sigh as I climbed out of it, walking through the slush and trying not to slip.

I slid my badge across the scanner and the door unlocked. I opened it, a few students hurried to before school lessons with teachers for classes they struggled with.

I didn't know the names of anymore than a few students but that was fine by me. I headed into the classroom of the teacher I was substituting for today. I let out a sigh as I reviewed the class plan one more time.

I remembered math in school and recalled it being one of my favorite subjects, English was alright I suppose, but it wasn't as good as math class was.

The door opened and a middle aged woman poked her head in. "Oh! I forgot Mr. Gesh wasn't here today."

"Ah, sorry." I laughed lightly. "I'm Mark Fischbach. A new sub here."

"Nice to meet you, in Karen Dar." She walked over to me and shook my hand. Her hair was graying in the front but the rest was a dusty brown. She seemed nice enough. "You seem a little young, Mark."

"I am. I'm still in college." I laughed. "Just doing this while getting my degree."

"I see. Well, see you around. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask." She smiled and shut the old wooden door. This school was practically ancient if I had to guess, which surprised me. As they were one of the best funded schools in the entire state from what I knew.

When students began to walk in the class I stood from the desk and walked around, leaning on the other side of it. Children walked in and took their seats - if you could even call these seventeen-eighteen year olds children. I was only about three years old then they were, I had no right to call them that.

In walked in a very loud green haired boy and next to him was a someone who's hair appeared to be a temporary blue at the rate it was fading. I knew something or other about hair dye, after all, my own hair was mixed with a red slash against the top.

The green haired fellow stopped and looked at me, I said nothing to him but allowed my eyes to follow him. "Well hello gorgeous." He smiled at me, his hair falling down over his face. "I haven't seen you around here before."

I raised both of my eyebrows and heard another student coughing up their water onto the floor beside them. I looked to them and back to the student in front of me. "Take your seat." I said coldly to him as I walked around to the other side of the desk.

"Take my seat? What authority do you have to tell me that, cupcake?" The boy laughed at me, as if I wasn't serious. The bells went off and I stood up and walked to the board, uncapping the marker I wrote 'Mr. Fischbach' across the board.

"Hello class, Mr. Gesh is absent today, which I'm unaware if he told you or not." I said, a harsh tone to my voice. "I will be your substitute. My name is Mr. Fischbach."

"Wait.. Y-You're the sub?" The green haired student went wide eyed.

I nodded my head slowly. "Yes, so if you could just take your seat now."

He said nothing but turned back to the person he walked in before relaxing in the seat. I let out a sigh and tried not to react at all to what just happened. So I went to the computer and took the digitally set up attendance.

"I'm sorry if I butcher your name," I began. I listed off about half the classes before reaching one that caught my attention. "Sean Mc.. McLoughlin? Did I say that right?"

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