Chapter 11

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A week later, Leo was released from the hospital. He had a hard time walking due to his injuries, but he slowly healed.

Ned's trial for attempted murder quickly arrived. I was nervous. I had to testify in front of everyone. I hoped that everyone would believe me.

Soon it was time for me to testify. I sat down in the witness stand chair next to the judge as assistant district attorney Macy Graff approached me. The courtroom falls silent.

"So, what happened when you were on the phone with Mr. DiCaprio on that tragic Friday night?" she asks.

"Well, I was in New York, filming my new movie. It was the night before I was leaving for London and I called Leo. We had our conversation and I told him goodbye. There was no response. I knew something was wrong."

"Right. Now, fast forward to when he wakes up in the hospital. What did he tell you?"

"He told me how the car accident occurred. He was hit by a drunk driver."

"And you had your suspicions . You had a suspect in mind. Can you point to him?"

I hesitantly extend my arm towards Ned.

"Ned Rocknroll. My ex-husband."

"Why did you think of him first?"

"He always came home late at night when he got drunk. He would be sleeping with other women as well."

"So as you thought this, what did you do next?"

"I drove to his apartment and told him off. The one thing that bothered me is that he didn't seem to care."

The jury begins to murmur to each other. Then the entire courtroom erupts into noise."

"Quiet!" the judge shouts as he pounds his gavel.

"So that is how you knew that Mr. Rocknroll did this?" Macy continues.

"Yes. I called the police as soon as I left his apartment."

Macy stares at me for a moment before saying, "Nothing further." She sits down in her chair as Ned's lawyer walks up to me.

"Hello, Ms. Winslet. I'm sure that this whole tragedy has gotten to you, hasn't it?"

"Yes, sir," I reply.

"Let me ask you this: if you love Mr. DiCaprio so much, then why didn't you go home immediately after you hung up the phone?"

"I was already getting on a plane the next day. There was no need--"

"So you wanted him to die?"

"Objection!" Macy yells.

"Sustained," the judge responds.

Thank god. There was no way that I was going to answer that question.

"Why did you suspect my client? Did you want to get revenge for how much he hurt you?"

"No, not at all. I wanted to know who hurt Leo."

"Did you ever think that he could have been lying to you?"

"No, he was definitely telling the truth. I know him well enough to be able to tell if he was or not."

"Nothing further."

Ned's lawyer then takes his seat next to Ned.

"The jury is to now make their decision on or before the 2-day deadline. Court is adjourned."

I walk to Leo and hug him as tight as I possibly could. He lets go and looks into my eyes.

"Great job, sweetheart," he says, kissing my forehead.

I lean in and kiss his lips as a gesture of thanks. We then head out of the courthouse together, hand-in-hand, as we get in our car and begin to drive home.

This Love (Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio Fanfic) Wattys 2017Where stories live. Discover now