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The room's conversation died down as the loud noise echoed through out the room and someones throat was cleared loudly.

"We are here today on behalf of the missing victims case that's been open to investigation for quite some time. The police have worked very hard to close it."

The eyes looked around the crowd and then to the criminal before them.

"Resident Minor, how do you plead?

We'll need your testimony on the stand

Solemnly swear to tell the whole truth"

There was a flash of pity in the eyes

"So help you son,now raise your right hand"  The voice commanded.

"But, your honour, he's already confessed! This isn't necessary!" Someone protested.

A hand was raised to silence the being, and then motioned for the criminal to speak.

He hesitantly rose his right hand, just as he was told.

"Father, your honour," he began

"may I explain?

My brain has claimed it's glory over me!

I've" There was a pause.

"I've a good heart!" There was an even bigger pause.

"Albeit"  He clearly struggled to spit the words out.

"Albeit insane." He finally managed to say, but barely even a whisper.

An eyebrow was raised.

"Come again? For God's  sake, speak louder son!"

"Albeit insane." He repeated firmly.

His body shook lightly as the strange sensation washed over him again. The very same sensation that washed over him at the house, after he killed him.

He'd learn this as "crying", something he's never really done in his 25 years of life, not even as a child. The only exception was when his parent's died in front of him at age 16. He never understood this sensation or action but he just let it happen.

"And why do you claim this? A good heart you say? Well boy, tell the crowd what you've done. Confirm their wildest fears. Give them closure."

"YOUR HONOUR!" The same voice from earlier protested once again. They were, again, ignored.

He squeezed his eyes shut and took a long shaky, uneasy breath. He should have just offed himself, really, but he reminded himself that the town, especially the victims'  families, needed the closure they so desperately wanted.

"I did it.

I killed the missing victims, and," a pause, a hesitant one as he looked at the crowd behind him to scan their faces.

"And I ate them."

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