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But how could it be?!

How could it?!

They were dead!

Dead he'd say!

Dead and eaten!

Their eyes pierced his soul as they viciously smiled.

"See how the brain plays around?

And you fall inside a hole you couldn't see."

They laughed in unison.

Was he hallucinating? Was he breaking down?

How could this be them?

Hecould understand it.


He began to cry even harder, harder than he's ever done in the 25 years of life, even harder than that fateful day.

He was in hysterics.

Had the judge heard his pleas of mercy? Why did he expect a different outcome? Why was he still fighting them? Why was he still fighting to live?

Everything around him was falling, crumbling - no, crashing- crashing down.

When they were merely inches out of the door, everything went still  as the judge called for them to stop.

He, and everyone, looked at the judge wide-eyed with shock.

What did the judge mean? What were they to do?

He glanced at the two and noticed how they weren't actually the ones who had fell victim to his sick twisted, charming, personality, but townsfolk he's never seen before.

"Bring him back." He stated.

They two who held him did what they were told.

"I've reconsidered,"

There were cries and shrieks of exasperation all through out the room. No one was happy, except for Papillon, of course.

He couldn't believe it, yet he was happy none the less.

"Instead of condemning him to death,"

The eyes looked back down at the now shaking boy.

A finger was pointed in his direction.

"Condemn him to the infirmary."

"H-how long s-sir?" Adrenaline and shock coursed through his body.

"How long? How long?! Why, son, how ever long it takes!"


"why yes, we've all just witnessed

❝COURTROOM❞⇹ THE MIND ELECTRIC SONG FICWhere stories live. Discover now