Bitter Truth

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I'm finally have the chance to update this damn fic. Ugh it took me long but I've finally done it! I'ma stop typing you'll be able to enjoy my story (if you think it's not as shitty as I think-)
Promise: 2P!FrUK Fanfiction Written by: Meh

Summary: Everyone makes promises but only a select few will really do anything and everything to keep it. But the question is, how far will that person go?


Chapter 2 - Bitter Truth

The rainy day had transformed into an undeniably beautiful, sunny day filled with birds happily chirping and bright blooming flowers. Murder was unthinkable on day such as this. Even cold-blooded psychopaths would be merciful to their prey on such an exquisite beautiful day. 

"Francois! Please slow down!" Oliver panted as he struggled to keep up with the Frenchman. However his request would be ignored, for Francois's mind was far too busy being occupied by a thousand thoughts.

How the hell did he know we would be there?! Has he been watching this whole time and has just been waiting for the perfect moment to catch us?!

"Fran-- Ommpfh!" Oliver cried out as he slipped on the wet concrete sidewalk.

Francois snapped out from his thoughts.

"Fuck, Oliver! Are you alright?!" He asked as he helped the Brit stand.

"Ah y-yes don't worry!" He said standing slightly off balance; red shinning through the ripped up pants. "D-Don't worry dear...!"

Francois eyed the scrap carefully.

"Your knee." He simply said then kneeled down to inspect it.

"Ah please d-don't worry...!"

The Frenchman let out a sigh. "I'll clean once we get home but we have to hurry. Or else- ught Let's go...!" He took the Brit's hand. "Try to walk as fast as you can."

Oliver stared at their intertwined hands as a bright pink color covered his freckled cheeks. "Ah...yes..." was all he murmured, still captivated by the harsh cold hands that lovingly grasped his own.

"Come on! Before they catch up!" Francois whispered as sirens echoed harmlessly in the distance; the flash of blue-red lights was the last of Francois's worries.


"Francois..." Oliver quietly whispered as he limped with his wrapped up knee towards the doorway. "W-Where are you going?"

Francois turned to meet a pair of worried eyes.

"I thought I  told you to lie down..." He said as he walked over. "You need to rest. It's been a long day and you need it." Francois said rather hesitantly before carefully brushing aside the Brit's hair.

Oliver slowly shook his head.

"No. I can't rest unless you stay here with me..."

Francois let out a loud sigh. "Oliver. I need to go. This is important." He said with a sense of urgency but the Brit refused to accept it. "I'll be back soon-"

"No! Y-Your safety is i-important too...!" Oliver desperately cried out as he tightly clutched the Frenchman's shirt. "Don't go! Please! What if they come back?! Don't go! Stay here with me! I can't let them get close to you again! I-" Oliver gripped the shirt as he clung onto Francois.

Promise: 2P!FrUK Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now