Locked out

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm trying to find a schedule for updating, I have many stories coming up, so don't worry!

9:26 pm
Las Vegas.
Your POV:
Edc was lots of fun today, you're  excited to see what tomorrow brings. All day was very tiring, so, you're going to bed now. Right now Martijn is in the studio, even after all the attempts to convince him to come back to the hotel with you. It clearly didn't work.

Walking down the hallway with a beige-ish wallpaper, you look at all the pictures and photos hung up on the wall.

Just as there is a turn, you realize you forgot the room number. Panic fills, even if it's not that bad. Your first thought is to ask somebody.

You reach is your hoodie pocket for your phone and open it. You text Martin, and get a quick response from him.

You: Uh, I kinda forgot our room number...
Martin: Don't worry babe, 345 😉

Suddenly, you're way more calm. At least you know. You turn down the hallway that has the room numbers 300 to 350. As you get closer, you grab your bag and look for your key card.

No sign of it.

Another wave of panic fills, but this time, it's much worse. Then you think of when somebody tried to take stuff out of your bag earlier, while you were busy.

You reach your room door and throw your bag on the floor, tearing everything out of it.


You sit against the door and bury your face in your hands. Crying like a fool.
11:13 Las Vegas
Martin's POV:
I walk through the hallway and stare at my feet. I'm so tired. It's unbelievable how exhausted I am.

All of a sudden I see a person sitting at my door, crouched up in a ball. I walk closer and realize it's Y/N. I pick up my paste and call her name. I have no idea what the hell happened.

She seemed to be sleeping but when her teary eyes look at me, she begin sobbing. I crouch down next to her and ask her what happened.

"I-I lost my card. God, I am so immature." She says with sadness.

"Hey, hey, I'm here, we can just go in and go to bed, good plan?" I respond trying to calm her.

"Okay..." I hear her mutter.

I swipe the card and let her in first. She plops down on the bed and sighs. I climb in bed with my boxers and    T-shirt still on, and fall asleep while caressing Y/N tightly.

A/N: I really hope you liked it. Good night garrixers. 😘😙

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