a new home

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Allora's pov
My parents told me we where moving from my personal hell to a new town and I just started packing all of my game stations being very careful with every single station.
My mom never understood why I liked video games so much and she always buys me make up which I never use except on very rare occasions when I need to, such as comic con or pax prime but that's only because I need to look good in my cosplay and in front of my senpai,
My dad used to know what I wanted and he bought me awesome game stations like my Xbox, PlayStation, and my many gameboys but my dad passed a couple of years ago.
As I was packing my sister came in and bugged me
Aurora:are you almost done packing mom is waiting for you
Me:well I'm sorry but this is a mint condition snes is I break it I would cry
Aurora:your such a nerd you know that I mean if I where to even mention ripping one of your magic cards you would go haywire
Me:you wouldn't dare touch my magic cards because I have enough black lotus' that I could pay my way threw college
(If you know what magic the gathering is I would be so happy)
She just scoffs and leaves which I was fine with
(Le time skip)
I finally finished packing my last belongings and carried them out to my moms car,my neighbor asked if I needed help but I knew they couldn't carry it cause it was like 45 pounds but it was nice of them to ask'

(Time skip to the fabulous future)

We got to our new town I think it's called American Falls I don't know all I know is it's in idaho.
My mom parked the car in front of our new house, I have to admit it was beautiful
(The house below)

I jumped out of the car and bolted into the house looking for a room because in my family it's first come first serve

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I jumped out of the car and bolted into the house looking for a room because in my family it's first come first serve.
I found a room in the basement I chose this room because I love the cold and it was relatively cold down here.
I told my mom which room I chose and went out to the car to retrieve my belongings.
As I was getting my last box a small cat came up to me and started rubbing against my legs, I have a soft spot for cats and kittens,
I knelt down and sat the box next to me and started petting the cat, as I was petting it I noticed it had no collar and it looked beaten up so it was obvious she had no home.
I stood up and picked up the cat and held the box with one hand and went inside to speak to my mother about keeping the kitten.
After placing the box in my room I ran to my mom with the kitten in my arms being careful not to hurt it while running, I got to my mom and she stared down at the cat
Mom: let me guess you found the cat, it's a stray, and you want to give it a home
Me:mom you know me so well. So what do you say mom can I keep her

My mom ponders the question for a minute and nods her head and hands me $20 to get all to necessities for the precious little kitten.
I go and put her in my room and head out to the store wearing a giant oversized hoodie to hide my tail and ears.
As I closed the door a girl who looked around my age walked towards me, she was about 5 foot tall she had dyed hair and glasses,
???:hi are you new here
Me:um yeah I just moved here today
???:well I'm Shadus
Me:I'm Allora

She held out her hand and I shook it and smiled
Me:do you by chance know where the store is?
Shadus:yeah do you want me to show you the way

I nod and we head off
(Time skip cause walking and talking is boring)
We end up at the store and I'm walking around with Shadus I grabbed the cat food and litter
Shadus:do you have a cat
Me:yeah I found her today and she needs a lot of love
Shadus:is she hurt
Me:well kinda she has a lot of battle scars
Shadus:poor thing I hope you can provide a good home for her

I nod grab a litter box and head to the check out and pay for everything and walk back to my house with Shadus

(Another time skip cause walking and talking is still boring)

We arrive at my house and we say our goodbyes and she goes to her house and I go inside and set everything up for the adorable kitten, then I realized I forgot to get a bowl for food and water I quickly transform into a fox
And sprinted back to the store.
When I got there I went behind the store and transformed back to normal went inside and bought the cat bowls then ran back home.

I didn't know for certain but I thought that moving here was going to be a great thing for my whole family.

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