second day

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(Picture above is Alloras sister)

Alloras pov
I woke up the next day to something soft smothering me.
I sat up quickly trying to catch my breath only to see my small
Kitten staring up at me

Allora:no smothering me little one

I don't know why but I feel like it was
Trying to tell me something but I couldn't quiet put my finger on it just then my sister burst through the door wearing her headphones

Her dancing was much better than mine I mean she could win in a dance off with Jake the dog
(If you get this reference I will be so happy)

Aurora: 🎶I never really knew that she could dance like this it makes a man want to speak Spanish🎶

I smiled because my sister looked happier than she has in a long time

Aurora:🎶oh baby when you talk like that you make a woman go mad🎶

She took off her headphones and looked at my smiling face

Aurora:what are you smiling at
Me:you look so happy sis
Aurora:okay and...
Me:what the occasion?
Aurora:none of your business twerp

I was so offended...

Everything is business
(This sounds like real people I know)
Just kidding I'm not someone who's like
'Oh the world revolves around me nobody can keep anything from me or they get in trouble'
No I'm more like
'Why Ya gotta be so rude~
don't you know I'm human too'

Me:okay okay don't get your panties in a bunch I won't pester you

Me:so what's his name
Aurora:how the Fuck do you know it's a guy
Me:your phones on in your pocket and I can see your texts

She turned off her phone and laughed

Aurora:his name is Andrew
Me:if he ever does anything to hurt you I swear to god I will decapitate him
Aurora:he would never do anything like that we're in love sis just stay out of my social life

I felt bad because now I seemed like a huge prick and it's only because I care for her. Her last boyfriend was abusive and I think she's mad at me for attacking him at every possible opportunity.
But it's not like it's my fault I'm overprotective and care for nearly everyone I meet.

(Time skip to school)

I entered the school and the girl I met yesterday didn't greet me and I was quite glad, I went to my locker and got my books then my locker was slammed in my face and I freaked out I turned to look at the person and it was this jock looking guy with a shaved head.
I didn't want to start shit at a mew school so I tried to leave but he grabbed me by the arm and spun me around to face him and you could quite clearly see I was not amused.

???:hey sweet cheeks you new here
Me:why the Fuck do you want to know and don't call me sugar lips
???:wish feisty I like that
Me:back the Fuck up if you don't want to get hurt
???:oh what are you gonna do slap me
Me:no I'd do much worse
???:if I leave I'll just be back again
Me:and I'll beat you up again

A girl walked up behind him and grabbed his shoulder

???:it's not worth it taeson
Taeson:okay Stephanie let's go
Stephanie:bye new girl

I reopened my locker and grabbed my art supplies and went to class

(After class)

It was time for breakfast and all the tables were filled but one so I went and asked if I could sit

Me:may I sit with you guys
???:only if you can settle our dispute
Me: what would that be
???:which is better mew or mew two
Me:well mew is faster and more rare but if your looking for attack then I'd go for mew two but I do prefer lugia over all other legendaries

They all looked at me in awe as I blushed in embarrassment. I'm such a nerd when it comes to Pokemon.

???:go ahead and sit you have more than earned it
Me:thank you
???:allow me to introduce ourselves I am cristian that's Noah over there is Jaden Brysen Arianna and autumn and we are the gamers

I felt so welcome with these people that I only knew for a short while made me feel more at home than I have ever felt in my life, but breakfast was over to soon and we had to part ways all except Arianna she and I had the same classes.

Me:so Arianna..
Arianna:just call me Ari.
Me:okay, Ari are you and autumn sisters?
Ari:yes we're twins, she's older though
Me:that's why you guys look so alike
Ari:yeah so I can give you a tour of the school if you want to or we can just hangout at lunch
Me: sure

And we enter the dreaded math class to learn things we might never use in real life

(Time skip to lunch)

Ari and I were walking around the school and the boy from earlier came up to us and pinned Ari to a wall holding a knife to her throat.
I only knew her for less than a day but I knew there would be people grieving if she were gone, but I blacked out.

(Dark Allora p.o.v)

Me:do you find it funny threatening a girl with her life, only Pussy ass butches do that kind of selfish shit, harming someone isn't high on my to-do list but I will destroy the scum who are to weak to deal with their problems in safe ways.

I grabbed his arm that was holding the knife and swiftly took it from him not making a single mark on my dearest friends body, then I threw the knife up sticking it in the ceiling and running up to him and slamming him down to the ground and start smashing his head into the ground, blinded by my rage, Ari pulled me off and I knew I did something wrong and gave back control...

(Allora p.o.v)

I came to with Ari pulling me off of taeson I freaked out and hugged her crying into her shoulder. I had just nearly killed a guy and I wasn't quite ready to handle that.

Ari:you... You saved my life
Me:I-I did
Ari:yes and nobody else would have done that for me you're great

I was so shocked I have always been known as the freak and nothing more but now I was called great

Ari:what are those

She pointed at the top of my head so I glanced up and saw that my beanie had fallen off so my ears were showing I freaked out and grabbed my beanie putting it on and blushing from embarrassment

What kind of shit did I get myself into?

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