Unprotected Love

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-=- I know the name of this Chapter sounds dirty - But its not what you think! No dirty scenes in the Chapter or the next so dont worry!!!!!!!!!-=-

******ASHLYNNA'S POV******

I rolled over with a groan, my hand searching for Aakar, but there was nothing. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, Aakar was knowwhere.

"Aakar?" My voice was thick with sleep as I called for him. "Aakar?Hun?" I stood, frantic. I began walking through the woods as a quick pace, calling out his name, imagining the worst. I heard a faint sound, a moan maybe? A whimper? I turned and began walking slowly back to the camp, thinking that danger was now there.

"A....As......ASH! "The sound got louder as I neared the camp, someone was calling my name! Peering through the tree's I saw Aakar throwing things, cursing for leaving me alone. I stepped out from behind the tree's and ran for him.

"How dare you leave me like that! I had a heart attack you sick bastard!!!" I yelled beating at his chest as tears threatened to escape. He grabbed my wrists and made me melt with a soft kiss.

"I would never leave you, Love. Not without being able to protect you."

****AAKARS POV****

-=-Earlier that morning-=-

I rolled over, and saw her. The love of my life. She was the only thing that could make me smile in this hell hole that we had been trapped in for the last 4 months, living off of lake water, berries,fish and anything we could catch. I knew we were the last ones, I had to save us, and if not the both of us, her. There had to be a way. I sat up and slowly removed my hand from her's slowly as to not wake her. She moaned in protest at the cool air hit the palm of her hand.

"Aakar." I heard her mummble in her sleep.

I smiled at her, her brown hair cascading around her shoulders, a small shiver shook her frail body and I pulled the wool blanket over her before placing a kiss on her forehead and standing.Bugs. The fire had died down, I threw some brush on it and stepped back as the brush caught fire, flames growing steadily, sending out heat in short waves.

Grabbing a bag, some food and a half empty canteen I began my search.... For something. Walking steadily through the wood I hear a tree branch snap. I whirled around, blackness darting around me in circles.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath, taking a fighting stance. The beast threw itself at me and I pulled my dagger out of my boot and lunged at hit. I punched the furry thing in the jaw, it stumbled but not by much. I brought the dagger up in an arch and then back down again into the top of its skull. It fell to the ground, and I heard another behind me. As it neared I crouched down and grabbed the dagger from the beasts skull before turning quickly, side stepping the beast and stabbing it in the back. I stood in my stance, waiting but nothing else was to be heard, yet I saw a black shap make its way toward the camp, towards a sleeping Ash. I took off, following a short cut through the trees. As I made it to the clearing, I almost fell to the ground in defeat.

Ash was no where to be seen.

"ASH! ASH!"I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Ash......Ash...oh Ash." I said in a normal tone to myself, kicking things and cursing to myself for ever leaving her alone, for ever daring to let my beauty go unprotected. A sound came from behind me and before I could get to my dagger I was being punched.

"How dare you leave me like that! I had a heart attack you sick bastard!!!" I smilled inwardly as she yelled at me, poounding her fists into my chest with surprising strength. I grabbed her wrists and held on lightly to her.

"I would never leave you, Love. Not without being able to protect you." I spoke, settling a light kiss onto her lips, I felt her melt into me.Sweeeeet! As we kissed I failed to see or hear the blacknes darting towards us, towards Ash's unprotected back.


Did you find the word?! If you did leave a comment with the word and the story that you want me to read, comment on, and vote on. If you want I can even critisize it ( I will be nice...dont worry :D ). Once Im done reading I will find your page, leave a good comment there and fan you! I hope you guys did find it. If you didnt find it after reading through the chapter a couple of times, send me a private message and I will give you a hint! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

I hope you all liked this chapter and you all commented and voted!!! I love you all! Please feel free to message me with a new cover, song, or pic! I wil take anything, even if its just  message with words in it I wi still love it! I am hoping to get 200 reads on the story and 20-30 votes...Please help me to reach this goal? In the next chapter there wil be a word hidden in it. Keep a look out for it because it wont be super easy (the word will be out of place in the chapter.....it wont seem right), and the first 10 people to find, and tell me the word Via comment, I will read your story, comment,vote, and fan you!!!!


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