Fear, Fighting, and the sweet sound of Escape

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-=-Aakars POV-=-

"How dare you leave me like that! I had a heart attack you sick bastard!!!" I smilled inwardly as she yelled at me, poounding her fists into my chest with surprising strength. I grabbed her wrists and held on lightly to her.

"I would never leave you, Love. Not without being able to protect you." I spoke, settling a light kiss onto her lips, I felt her melt into me. As we kissed I failed to see or hear the blacknes darting towards us, towards Ash's unprotected back.


::::::ASHLYNNA'S POV::::::

He kissed me and I melted, barley noticeing the light crackle of leaves, the dark shadow on the ground. I reached behind me and pulled a sma ll dagger, much like Aakars, out of my back pocket. I turned, pushing Aakar back behind me on a burst of protective instinct.

As I turned I thusted outward, hearing something yelp behind me. I took a glance over my shoulder and saw Aakar fighting the Lycans as well, two going after him, well one now, as one dropped to the ground in a black heap of terrifying death.

I looked back over my shoulder as I felt a tug on my blade, the beast fell to my feet and grabbed my Bow which was strung over my shoulder along with the arrows. I nocked the arrows with surprising speed and fired once, twice, three times. I looked to my feet, 4 dead beats, 4 used arrows. I turned to look behind and saw Aakar struggling against a large Lycan, probably the Alpha. I nocked my arrow silently, keeping my ears open to any sounds.Crack. I raised my bow and right before the beast took its killing blow, I fired sending the arrow right through the monsters heart. Aakar turned as he dropped the beast.

I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me close, I let out a sigh of relief but had to force it back as it turned into a sob. He tightened his grip on me and whisperd to me that it was going to be ok. I pulled back and placed a kiss on his lips before looking around as the speakers crackled.

"Please proceed to the lake."  We walked in scilence, wondering what was to become of us. As we treked on through the woods we held onto each others hands tightly, not willing to let go. When we reached the lake we wre greeted by 2 men, both in black.

One raised a gun and took aim at Aakar.

"NO!" I yelled out.

He fired a single shot, and I was only quick enough to throw my arm out infront of Aakar, feeling the bullet tear its was through my shoulder at a deadly speed. The pain made me fall to my knee's blood poured out of the wound, a light green liquid seeped out along with the blood. Poison.

"Well, I guess that was the sweet sound of escape." I thought to myself, hearing a yell coming from a far off distance as I sunk into a blissful sleep.Peace.

::::::Aakars POV::::::

I didn't notice that there were more of them until Ash had broke the kiss, thrusting a dagger into the Lycan. I turned myself, seeing two big black beats running towards me. My blade flashed infont of my face as just a shimmer of silver. I sliced the throat of one of them, the beast dropped to the ground. The other was much larger as it howled in anger. I thrusted out my blade, but it was avoided. I kept on bouncing away from its lunges, viscous teeth, and deadly claws just as it avoided my blade. His jaw opened and I held out my arms, in an fetal attempt to stop it from reaching me. It lunged and I felt its hot breath on my face.

The beast suddenly went limp in my arms and I saw an arrow with red fletching sticking out from his heart. Ash's arrow had killed it. I dropped the thing and turned to look at her. She had scratches on her face and arms, she lowered the bow slowly, still searching for more threats. Her hair was covering her shoulders, her eyes glowing with rage. She looked like a warrior goddess. When she noticed me staring she blushed and dropped her archery equipment to the ground and ran to me. I held my arms open to accept her embrace.

I wrapper my arms around her, she let out a sigh that turned into a sob as I held her. I whispered reasuring words into her ear, pulling her tightly against me. She placed a kiss on my lips, pulling back as the speakers crackled.

Please proceed to the lake.” I grabbed my loves hand tightly. Wondering what was going to happen. I wondered also how many parents, sisters, brothers, Aunt, Uncles...How many people had Them show up at their front door step with the news that their child was dead. I stopped myself, I knew that answer, 8 had the news that their child was dead. How many of them would hate us if we got out alive together when theirs didn't survive a couple of months? I shook my head clearing the thoughts as we neared the lake, two men were there both in black.

I saw something silver flash, and my first instinct was to save Ash, but the shot was fired at me. Before I could register what was going on, that I was going to die, Ashlynna had thrown her arm infront of me, the bullet sinking into her shoulder. She dropped to the ground and I screamed out her name, grabbing onto her limp body, seeing the green tainted blood pour out of the wound. I heard her whimper and soft words came from between her lips.

"Well, I guess that was the sweet sound of escape." Her soft voice brought tears to my eyes and I brought my lips to hers, letting out a frustrated yell.

"Please dont leave me...I need you." I whispered into her hair, the tears escaping, a sob ripping through my chest. A hand grabbed my shoulders and I tore away from it, clinging to her as she was lifted onto a gurnie and carried through a port into the facility, striaght to the hospital. I never left her side until They dosed me up and I felt sleep over come me. Voices rose up and a hand led me to a chair raccross the room from Ash's bed. Once they left, I got up from the chair and moved it over to her side I entwined my fingers with her cold pale ones, and drifted off to the faint lonley sound a moniter and an IV dripping into my loves lifeless body.


AAAHHH! Sadness!!!!! I actaully cried while writing this chapter, I had it all planned out and I just HAD to write it.... But it killed me to write about her dieing.................

NO! This is not me asking for votes and comments (all though that would be nice!). This is a notice saying that I do have the second book, well the first chapter that is. The next book is called

*The Fall 2 (Popularity Contest)*

Heres a small sneek peek:

I felt a moan escape my lips as pure pain over took me. Slowly opening my eyes, I heard the slow steady sound of a monitor beeping at me. Turning my head I saw the IV needle in my arm, the bandages on my wounds. Someone was slumped over in a chair. My memory was terrible, the last thing I remember was coming home and doing my schoolwork, the thoughts of my father hitting me came to mind, but I shook off the thoughts as the figure moved.

"Ash?" The man walked up to the side of the bed, dark circles under his blue eyes, his dark brown hair messy. Then it all came back to me, the woman and her children, the danger, the training grounds, the love. Him. And then I remembered being shot-poisoned, hearing Him call out to me, then seeing the darkness take over.


Did you find the word?! If you did leave a comment with the word and the story that you want me to read, comment on, and vote on. If you want I can even criticize it ( I will be nice...dont worry :D ). Once Im done reading I will find your page, leave a good comment there and fan you! I hope you guys did find it. If you didnt find it after reading through the chapter a couple of times, send me a private message and I will give you a hint! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

P.S. I know many of you have probably noticed that the main char (Ashlynna Corsavia) has the same last name as the first person to comment on this chapter. I know this...I loved her last name so much I asked her if I could use it for my characters last name! And she obvouisly ageed! Thank you soooo much SashaCorsavia for supporting me!


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