Chapter 21

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A/N: Like a mother fucking boss! I am in the zone right now! I honestly didn't think I would get this up today, but guess what, HERE IT IS!

I do need to point one thing out to you guys. So the last chapter of this there was two things I was really expecting you guys to point out. The emotional Larry sex and the whispered I love you that Louis missed. But no. Not one person said anything about it! You all just talked about ways for them to stay together lol. I mean that's fine too, I'm glad you guys are really getting into this. I was just surprised.

Anyways I know this isn't too long and doesn't have much to it, but it's better than nothing and well. I don't want this story to end so I'm dragging it out a bit. I hope you guys still like it though because this is getting a little harder to write now that the end it coming. I'm thinking about maybe 2 or 3 more chapters, and epilogue, and then a timestamp because I have a really cute idea for one.

I'm rambling. Okay dedicated to @anderson_hannah_ because they are such a sweetheart and their comment really meant a lot to me on the last chapter. Go follow and check out her story! x

Warning: I didn't write the scene out, but there is a small mention of them doing it, but it's no big deal.


“You know you’re going to have to tell him at some point,” Zoe stated.

    The night Louis found out they were moving to the states he was silent. He just nodded and congratulated his Mum before heading off to his room. He laid in bed and let silent tears roll down his cheeks until he fell asleep. He stayed home from school and just texted everyone that he was home sick and would be back after. When Friday night rolled around he called Zoe over. They were laying on his bed currently talking. Zoe was sitting up with Louis resting against her side letting her card her fingers through his hair relaxing him. “I d-d-don’t want t-to.”

    “I know, but you can’t just keep something like this from him, or the boys. They should know.”

    “H-how am I sup-posed to tell t-them?” Louis asked glancing up at Zoe, begging her to have some kind of plan so that he wouldn’t have to.

    “I don’t know Louis. You’re just going to have to go for it. They will understand, I’m sure. When do you leave?”

    “T-two w-w-weeks,” Louis said closing his eyes. He couldn’t believe this was happening.

    Zoe was silent for a moment pulling herself together. Louis looked up and could see she was fighting her own tears. “That’s alright.”

    Louis sat up. “Y-y-you don’t have t-t-to be st-strong for me.”

    Zoe stared at Louis before finally letting the tears fall. She wrapped her arms tightly around Louis and cried into his shoulder. “I don’t want you to go Louis. You’re my best friend. I’m going to miss you so much.”

    “I’m g-g-gonna m-miss you t-too,” Louis sighed. “Y-you’ve helped m-m-me so much.”

    “Promise me something?” She asked leaning back and holding out her pinky.


    “Promise that we’ll always be best friends, no matter the distance.”

    Louis smiled locking their pinkies together. “P-promise.”

    “Zoe dear,” Jay said poking her head in the room.

    “Yes Mrs. Tomlinson?”

    “You’re Mum is downstairs waiting for you.”

    “Okay, I’ll be down in a minute.” Jay nodded before closing the door. Zoe turned to Louis and smiled sadly at him. “You need to tell them Lou. Promise me you won’t wait too long to do it either, you’ll only crush them more, especially Harry.”

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