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A/N: Hello Soldiers! Yes it's finally here. Can we all just take a moment to both cheer and cry at the same time? I can't believe it's finally over! I'm happy because this has been an amazing journey with you guys, but I'm sad because of the fact that this is my biggest book and we've been through so much together. I mean 25 chapters, an epilogue, and soon a timestamp? Also it has a trailer now? Gah, someone hold me I'm emotionally unstable! 

I love you all so so much and thank you for everything you have done for me! I really hope you'll check out my other books if you haven't already and show as much support and enthusiasim as you have for this one.

Okay enough this, let's get to the epilgue, I'll gush after! XD

Dedicated to my Great Grammie Bowden who passed away a few months ago, she's mentioned in this part. 


Two years. Louis’ been living in the states for the past two years now. He decided he quite enjoyed the states more than he thought he would. Their house was nice, beautiful even. It had a large front yard, and a swing on the front porch. It had double doors leading into the house. It consisted of a long hallway with the kitchen, dining room, and living room on the sides. The spiral staircase led upstairs to Louis’, Jay’s, and the girls room, along with an addition game room. There was both a bathroom up and down stairs and one even attached to both Louis and Jay’s rooms.

When they first got there he went to a private school about a half-hour away. It was quite large and was actually broken up into different buildings. It was a school for kids with disabilities. You had an area for the blind, deaf, special needs, and then one that was a bit more normal in which Louis attended. The school was friendly and everyone had an insecurity. Some with anxiety, other’s with depression, others that have speech disorders just like Louis. It had a strict no bullying policy and had small class sizes with 2 teachers in the room. One who taught the lessons, and another was there for individual help and to deal with students if they were having trouble.

Louis was not once picked on. He didn’t really have any friends, but he wasn’t alone either. A girl named Jessica befriended him on about a week after he started the school. She had social anxiety and was in a few of his classes. He sat with her and her friends in the lunch yard. There was Alannah, she was blind; And Emily, who was deaf. Their conversions were long and sometimes they would repeat certain things in case they forgot to sign something or say something. They didn’t hang out outside of school, but Louis was okay with that.

His sister’s were growing up so fast and were always in and out of the house with friends, they seemed really happy which in turn made Louis happy, but left him alone. He’s tried to work on writing or other things to keep his head clear.

He was attending a program twice a week to work on his speech. It’s a working process and he’s gotten both worse and better depending on the day and topic. His mood is what needs to be in check. He’s been in counseling since they’ve arrived and has a steady set of medication now for his anxiety and depression. It was about 2 months after they had arrived that Louis had a mental breakdown landing him in the hospital and being sent to St.Mary’s for a couple of weeks to make sure his was mentally sound again.



Louis was sitting in his room finally done cleaning and making sure everything was in place. The move had been stressful and he didn’t get the chance to talk to his friends much because he had to get a new phone and he was busy signing up for everything. He pulled his laptop out putting it on his desk carefully before finally opening it. He missed being able to just relax and do whatever. He check his email scrolling through deleting the junk and replying to the important. One emil though stuck out. Travis.

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