Another Dimension part I

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Summer ........huh?? I had no idea what I was doing, since I was doing weird hand gestures or movements. We recently moved to America, not  that I'm not used to's just well, It's still awkward.  As I walk  down the streets, suddenly as the cool breezing wind blows towards me I felt an awkward presence.It felt with strength and such demeanor that  I could feel its hatred and the lust to kill, as I began to shiver....I met a girl with a long silky lavender hair with both swords at her left side.She had one riffle beside her  right leg with her fierceful eyes she said

"you're very familiar, have we met somewhere?" 

"I guess not, I have a vague recollection of my memories." 

"I see, sorry to bother you,but really you look like him." 

I got curious and asked her if she has the photo which was actually me in the photo.I tried to  remember but nothing goes in, after a few minutes of thinking. . . I still haven't figured it out.It's ok, there'll be chances that  we'll be meeting again she said. Meanwhile near Chicago I met a wierd guy,a person with an eight-grader syndrome. Everyone was looking at him,whispering bad things about him while he was saying stuffs that we don't even understand,I felt sorry for the guy so I covered up for him and making it look like we are doing a street play.People began laughing and others were amused by how we acted our parts. After we finished our act, the crowd gave us a round of applause and also  gave us some money.The wierd guy still muttered senseless things so I thought I'd call the mental hospital when a man with a full clad of white clothing appeared, he has a platinum silver hair with a peircing blue eyes,he injected the weird guy something I don't know the wierd guy started bleeding through its mouth which was very gross. The creepy man creepily smiled at me and said

"would you like to see him die?" 

I was in a shocked mode since I would never expect that I can meet a sadist in a place like this.He has these eyes which you could tell that he'd already  made a lot of person suffered and I don't want to see it done in front of me. 

"Hey are you a killer?"

I asked him and that was a very dumb question. 

"It depends,now shall I kill him?or would you replace him instead?"

he said with a grin. I wanted to run but part of me wants to help him. I don't have anything better to do so I decided to stay and let the wierd guy escaped, but he didn't  he instead stayed and muttered more senseless craps which kinda annoyed the creepy guy. I felt awkward, I kept addressing them by their appearances so I asked their names. The weird guy still muttered and didn't bother the question and I thought maybe he could answer that...,the creepy guy intoduced himself as Murasaki Kaide.

With that I just went home, I didn't bother much I mean I have a lot of problems no time think about scraps like that.When I went home, I went in the kitchen looking for the  ice cream that I've bought yesterday while eating it, I'd remeber those days when I was still in Japan, after school I would go to Akihabara five times a month and buying new realeased manga.Now I had to deal with this household and I rarely get an allowance, if  I needed more I'd need to work for it.I went in my room still eating my ice cream, I've thoguht a lot of things in the past, You might want to think that I'm an old guy who's drinking tea while thinking their old days well no I'm not... I just can't help it one thing that I thoguht about was my new family now. I think it's quite useless to think about it but anyways, I thought about things that happened to me which is useless to me, gonna forget it to have more space in my brain to remember. I've got the feeling that I was just picked up somwhere , even though my mom changed changed my name when she got divorced, I felt uneasy about that, I have no grudge on the  name Aeris by the way I my name used to be seijiro Keiji. Aeris huh? wonder where'd she picked up that name.My mom loves greek myths so I thought it came frome Ares. My parents got divorced and my  mother married an American guy, I had two half-siblings....we weren't that close and I didn't bother them  much.I wasn't eavesdroping or so you could say, I happened to hear them while I going upstairs towarda my room, I heard they were demigods and I  well walkaway forgetting what I heard.I have nothing better to do at summer so I just did part-time job in a coffee shop,suddenly . . .I saw something unpleasant,ruined my day, and what the heck is that. . .greek myths roaming around are you fucking kidding me like I went nuts of course I didn't let it bother my work, or so I thought when I spilled the coffee while serving it at the customer which was shocked with the spilled coffee on her face,I got fired after that no sala namery recieved hah..and here  I was planning to earn money to go back to my own country...namely Japan. 

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