The Void of Madness

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As I walk alone in the path of  abyss of darkness, I sighed . . . with no where else to go I rememberd my adversities.

The world is not fair as oftenly stated, humans should be used to that.

Humans need love? It is the catapult to produce more problems.

Even so humans need love to satisfy themselves,to be comforted and more other reasons.

Thinking about this results to nothing, yet it is comforting...... therefore I do not mind wasting

my precious time for this arguments.

Bah! I'm hungry and went to a cheap restaurant... and ate steaks and drank a Japanese wine. Inside the restaurant I felt this insanely huge amount of power with an intent to kill , it didn't scare me rather made me hunger for more of it. I'vetried to track the person, everytime I sensed this power.... my heart would go *dump dump dump" , I can no longer control myself, I felt the urge to kill, I'm a cold-blooded person with a serious case of  .... nevermind.

I used to be bullied... well not really since I defy their existance so there ain't problem. I'ma recluse and I hardly ever talk to those filthy humans... I say that but I'm also a human. 

So... there I became an eight grader, and yet still felt the boredomeness of life. The mentally unstable me had become more friendly *ahem!* people change....

I tried all sort of things there it is .... more friends and there I quit being in a varsity team. I didn't regret it, after all I do not care for those things.

After a long time, my friends and I didn't have much to talk and I came to realization that I needed to fake having a crush on a guy. Not much of a problem, I told them and they were like 

"oh my gosh... you like your seatmate! that was unexpected" 

Many people mainly my friends have said that. 

Having a real affection for it  was insanely stupid I would never want that guy, well after my friend have teased me to him many times................

It was pathetic, mainly because I wanted to be just a cold-blooded gamer and a total geek.

Summer was approaching................

I ended my faking and they obviously did not beleive in it well of course since I had really have fallen inlove with him tssskkkkkkkkkkkk ...........

When I woke up,it was dejavu! I woke up in a different home, very confused... 

Instead of panicking I thought of weird things.

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