Chapter 3: A meeting

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What just happened??
It was Victor. Just a second ago he was right in front of you speaking to you alone. Something you couldn't even dream off, but back then you were too shocked to enjoy the moment and you regretted it. Suddenly Victor's words appeared in your head:
"I will come back tomorrow so that we can talk more!"
What did he mean? Will he actually come tomorrow and talk with you? This sounded so impossible...
After a while you remembered you were sitting on the cold ice ( I was about to write ice cold ice XD) and quickly stood up. After what happened even if you just arrived, you didn't want to skate any longer, took all your thing and headed home.
On the way you were thinking over and over his words. You lifted your head and realized you were in the middle of Hasetsu's bridge you crossed every morning. It was dark but you could clearly see the beautiful full moon and the shining stars all around it, their reflection in the ocean made and illusion making you think there are even more of the them. You approached and leaned on the handrail of the bridge admiring the scenery. You were so deep in your thoughs you didn't notice that you that you were dangerously close to falling off the bridge. Suddenly you saw a strange reflection in the water: looking exactly like Victor.
You leaned even further trying to make sure the reflection was really there and were about to fall of the bridge when someone grabbed your hand:
"Careful! " screamed a familiar voice.
Victor's voice.
After grabbing your hand he pulled you back. You lost balance felt right in his arms, your face opposing his chest. In the short moment of silence you could even hear his heartbeat. You slowly lifted your head and met Victor's gentle smile. You remembered the situation you were in and backed away. Your face was burning and was probably red. You quietly said:
" I am sorry... and thank you.."
- Meeting you once again here, it must be faith! You must be careful! If I wasn't here to save you would have fallen in the water."
He replied cheerfully.
You were once again silent. There were so many things you wanted to ask him and tell him but you couldn't say a word.
" Well then, I should get going!"
He turned around and started walking away when you suddenly grabbed his hand:
He turned around:
" What is it [Y/N]- chan?
- Will you really come?
- What are you talking about?
- Tomorrow, will you really come to the rink?
- Of course!
He answered without a second of hesitation.
- I would really like to find out what kind of young lady would break in the rink at night to skate!
You looked him straight in the eyes, and did your best to pull a small, shy smile on your face.
- See you tomorrow then!
He paused for a second admiring you. It was the first time he saw you smiling.
- Yeah. "
You let go of he his hand and watched him walking away until he disappeared in the darkness. Your heart was still racing like crazy and you couldn't calm it down. You turned around and started running back home in excitement . You were so happy you wanted to cry.
That night you could bearly get any sleep. The next day you were so excited you barged in the rink right after it was closed. You quickly put on your blades and awaited impatiently.
" What if he doesn't come?"
The moment this thought appeared in your head, you heard the door opening and lite footsteps approaching you.
He came.
Waiting for Victor huh? ;)
He is so wonderful. I am really happy because an amazing artist authorized me to use her beautiful fan art for the cover so check it out! Her name and a link to her Tumblr are in the description!

Melting the ice away [Victor Nikiforov x Reader] Yuri!!!on iceWhere stories live. Discover now