{Chapter 1}

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It was Monday afternoon. I had stayed after school to help set up for a dance on friday. As I was walking around putting up flyers. I seen a cute boy setting up a banner. I have never seen him before

Me:"Hey do you need help?"

Him:"Ya. Can you pass me the tape?"

Me:"Ya. Here you go."

Me:"Hey are you new here because I never seen you here before?"

Him:"Ya I just moved here from Pennsylvania."

*he didn't sound happy*

Me:"Oh, do you miss being over there?"

Him:"Ya a little. I miss my friends and my girlfriend...well my ex-girlfriend. We both agreed of it because we didn't like the thought of being so far away from each other."

Me:"Oh, but its probably for the best....long distance relationships are hard."

*I was happy he didn't have a girlfriend*


Me:"Oh by the way my name is Merissa."

Him:"Nice to meet you Merissa, my name is Mark."

Me:"Well Mark what grade are you in."

Mark:"Im a freshman."

Me:"Cool me to......SHOOT! I gotta go hope to see you around sometime."

Mark:"Wait, before you go here is my number. I'd like to hang out later if your not busy."


*we exchanged numbers"

Me:"Alright, I gotta go, text me later."

Mark:"Alright bye."

*Later on when I was doing my homework my phone went off....Its Mark*


Me{hey mark}


Me{nothing much I just finished my hw...wby}


Me{oh so how do you like cali so far}

Mark{Its cool here....I'm just having trouble making friends}

Me{Really bc you already made a friend on your first day}

Mark{ig your right...but you came up to me.}

Me{ya but it still counts...but anyway I gtg see you at school...Goodnite}

Mark{Goodnite <3}

*what was the heart about? I wonder if he likes me...Nah he probably just being nice. Oh well I should just go to bed...Except I couldn't. I stayed up all night thinking about it. When suddenly my eyes started to close, I finally fell asleep.*

< hope you like this chapter there will be more soon ive just been busy with school <3 >

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