Chapter 4

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Yes, I jumped out of the window, but it wasn't the first time. I remember the first time was the day after I was released from the hospital. After the accident. I needed some time, it had been weeks since my father had said a word to me. My mother kept having fits about how I needed to be safe. She would have had me wrapped in bubble wrap in the cellar if she had her way. Plus, we don't have a cellar...

I glanced back at the house. I could clearly see my mother weeping in the kitchen and my father walking up the stairs. Probably to see why I had slammed my door. I quickly stepped up to the porch and nocked lightly on the door. My mother looked up, her face red and tearstained.

I waved a quick goodbye, she smiled weakly but waved me off before my Father came back down stairs. "She's not in her room."

"She's probably on the toilet." My mum said bitterly before mouthing, Go. I didn't ask twice.


I quickly found the address that was written in my phone. It wasn't a house which was what I had originally imagined, it was an old railway station. Abandoned by the look of the tracks, rusted, broken and dirt caked around the sides, leaves blew over the tracks with the light breeze. There was a tunnel covering the tracks and inside the darkened walls were I wrapped my sweater tighter around my shoulders and pulled out my phone.

Are you coming? And why did you send me too a train station?

"Because the acoustics are amazing."

I spun on my heals to see Julian standing behind me. I had to cover my mouth to keep from screaming in shock. "Julian!" He was a silhouette in front of the sun light. The brightness capturing the edges of colour from his red and black flannel.

"Did you bring your violin?"

"Yes, of course. What's with the jump scare?!"

"I had to see the look on your face." He shrugged and his customary crooked smile spread across his face.

"Let's just start."

"Straight to business, I should have guessed." Julian took the violin case out of my hand and began undoing the buckles, opening it. I stopped and watched him. If he breaks that... But no. His fingers where as light as feathers over the used finger board. Examining the instrument. His eyes skimmed all over it, its silvery glow in the light. "It's quite a beautiful instrument. Where did you get it?"

"I..." I hesitated, making him look at me. "Someone gave it to me."

"The same someone who you said got hurt?" He asked, standing and holding out the white violin. It shone silver as it caught the remaining sunlight. "I thought so. You did the same thing as before, when you said that someone got hurt because of you, and again in the cafeteria. You shrink and close off. I can see it now. Like a wall is being built behind your eyes."

I dropped my head and looked at the violin. Is it that obvious? I understand that Vic can see it. She's known me for years, before and after the accident... but Julian? "It doesn't matter."


Yes. Of course it matters. He was your brother! A voice in my head screamed, but I pushed it back, along with tears as images flashed in my mind. "Let's just play," I mumbled sitting down on a stool that Julian had put out.

I watched as he picked up his cello, which had been lying on the ground. Holding it against his chest he lay his arm across the body. Looking at me. His silver-blue eyes piercing the walls I always try to build around those memories. He was right, but I can't talk about it, even thinking about it makes me cry... shoot! I reached up to my face feeling as a tear fell over my cheek. I whipped it away and ducked my head hiding as a sob ripped through me.

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