You Crashed Into My Life

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*The next week

"Finally, we get to move into our five star apartment!" Serenity screeched, holding nothing but her purse.

"More like two star," Rocky scoffed with a grin, "Aren't you gonna help?". His muscular arms bulged as he placed two boxes in what was to be our living room. Serenity picked at her nails, ignoring Rocky's comments.

"How much stuff do you have?" Riker complained to her, hauling in a large box, two times the side of his head. I hadn't been carrying boxes because my back ached, my head hurt, and I was exhausted, but it did help avoiding him. I tried my best to bury my face in the cardboard, pretending to be busier than I already was. Riker and I had been on the outs, tension still remained because we hadn't talked since the night at the Lynch's. My blanched face suddenly felt drained and pale. My stomach turned rapidly, inside out and upside down. Was it Riker who made me feel this way? My stomach contracted so violently that I hadn't had the stamina to reach the toilet. Chunks of my lunch were covered in a disgusting chyme that was propelled from my sore throat so quickly that it splattered on the wooden floor. Acid layered my mouth with a strong swig of vomit. My weak body heaved again, no air to soothe my lungs. I sank to my knees only to retch up more. As I leaned forward, the last of it dribbled from my lips. The stench of my throw up filled my nostrils as I surveyed the mess with my watered eyes. I dry heaved again. I couldn't move without stepping on my own bile.

I looked up through hasty eyes to see Rydel above me, the others frozen in initial shock. Her face was as far as possible from me, disgusted by my vile mess, but she held out a plastic bag for me. My expeditious fingers clawed for it, but the projectile vomit overshot the bag and more oozed warmly down my chin. My foul liquid sprayed onto her shoes, her face was scrunched up in horror.

"Woah! What happened?" Ross came bursting through the front door. The box in his arms came crashing down to the floor with a bang. Serenity winced about something along the lines of 'my stuff!', but I was busy trying to catch my breath. I assumed he could only see me as a crouched form, my muscles contracting, expelling my guts. The bulk of it was already cold, seeping into the wood panels, but I knew my viscous innards would only let it stay that way for so long. His body flung him to the kitchen, there was not much in it to take, but he managed a Dixie cup and a shot of water. The caustic fluid coated my tongue, opaque water still trailing from my lips. I gasped for air, my eyes couldn't leave his hands that had handed me the water. They were strong and long, weighed down by his rings. His veins were blue cords that clenched onto his powerful ripples. I examined mine, impuissant, frail, and shaking gently. They were subdued by caution while his were confident and forgiving. I set my hand in his, stepping over my large puddle.

Why had I thrown up? Did Riker still affect me?

The watchers returned to their work as if facing me would embarrass them. We didn't know which box the cleaning supplies were in so I had to wad up gobs of toilet paper and face my disarray.

"Hey, can we talk?" I knew it was Rydel from her puke stained shoes. I finished cleaning up the mess, stood up, then hid my face in mortification. "Actually can we step over there for a sec?" Her eyes drifted around the room, and motioned towards my empty room.

I sat on my windowsill, watching the cars roll by. I couldn't face her. "Look I'm humiliated by all of that. I must be coming down with something, but I swear I'll buy you a new pair of shoes as soon as we get out of here and--"

"Amber," She soothed, "Don't worry about that right now."

"Okay then tomorrow I'll--" I tried to reason.

"No. Forget about the shoes." Then what did she want to talk about? "Look, I know we're not close but I'd like to be." Her cold fingers were set on the middle of my thigh, smooth and pampered like the rest of her. They were soft and manicured with glitter. Her palm caressed the area, trying to comfort me, but the lines on her hand caught my attention. They swirled and twisted like an unfinished sketch. Was-was she coming on to me?

"Amber? Amber?" She must have been speaking to me, but I hadn't been paying attention. I blinked back up at her, "Did you hear what I said?" I shook my head 'no'. "I said that I hope you can trust me, even though we're not very close. If there's something you want to talk about, I'm around."

It was a nice gesture, but I couldn't stop thinking about her hand on my thigh. I couldn't lead her on, I was with her brother and only wanted to be with him. "Look Rydel, that's nice of you and all, but I'm dating your brother," I scooted closer to the wall, her hand falling on my knee.

"I know, that's why I think we should talk about this." Her smile was kind, she used her nails to gently touch my knee, creating white patterns in my skin. Did she not understand what I was saying? I was with her brother and she still wanted to 'talk'?  "I know it's scary, it's not easy to take this step, but I'll be here with you one hundred percent of the way." Her smile got bigger, her cheeks flushed pink.

I had to bite this in the butt. "Dell," I removed her hand from my leg. "I'm not gay."

She started chuckling, "Obviously, that's what got you here in the first place!"

What? My mind was boggled and dripped in confusion. "I know you don't want to open up to me just yet, and that's fine, but we're gonna be family soon. I don't tell people this, but Ell and I had a pregnancy scare last year. It turned out to be nothing, but at the time I had done a lot of research on early pregnancy symptoms and..." She nudged my arm playfully as if I was supposed to put it together.

Why would she tell me that if-- "What?" I hollered in laughter. "You think I'm pregnant!"

"Shhh, keep it down. I assume nobody else knows yet and this would be a terrible way for them to find out." Her tone was chillingly serious, a look I'd never seen on her before. My laughter died down instantly.

"I'm not pregnant, I can't be." I told her sternly.

Her fingers perked up, counting each 'symptom', "Morning sickness, backaches, headaches, and exhaustion."

"It's not even morning, plus it's only been a little while since you know," I rebutted.

"The title is misleading, I know and the symptoms can come at different times for everyone I guess. Have you taken a pregnancy test or seen a doctor?" Somehow she remained calm while arguing my fate.

"A doctor? A doctor. Of course I haven't seen a doctor, I'm just now finding out that I could be pregnant!" I tried my best to keep my voice down, but I was overwhelmed. I had the right to be.

My life was ending, while a new one could be just beginning.

*Ross and Amber had sex in Ross's car at the end of the chapter "Stay With Me"

Author's Note: Dramaaaaa. This marks the near end of the book, just a few more chapters to go :) It's bitter sweet feeling. My question for you all is where do you live and what time do you read on wattpad? I can post accordingly to your times (:

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