Episode 3; Part 1

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And now, have a happy meeting with death, I mean Sachi.


April 8, 2023

Floor 11: Taft


"Here's to us, the Moonlit Black Cats!"


Kirito and I look at the cheerful group with a troubled expression, mine being a bit more annoyed. "And here's to Kirito-san and (u/n)-san, the both who saved our lives!", the blond haired shorty which name I either forget or don't know says. "Cheers!", they say again. "C-Cheers...", Kirito repeats while I stay quiet looking everywhere but at him. How did I end up like this?


"You saved us."

"Thank you. Thank you so much", the only girl who now is honored to have the name blue girl thanks us. "It was nothing", Kirito simply brushes of. I again, say nothing to which Kirito gives me a nervous glance. Feels my wrath Kirito. "I was really scared. Then when you both came to save me, I was so happy", blue girl explains. "S-Sure...", Kirito mumbles. "Um, Kirito-san...", red boy whispers to him but I can hear him anyway. Afterall, I am sitting directly next to Kirito. "I know this is really rude to ask, but what level are you both?", red boy asks. "Level 20 or so", Kirito answers which makes my eyes widen. Then I look at Kirito. Kirito what are you...? 

"That isn't too different than ours. It's really amazing that you both are only a group", red boy says. Well, if you would knew... "Keita, you don't need to be so polite. Both, (u/n) and I fight like solo players because this is easier for us. And we solo players just target isolated enemies. It isn't that efficient", Kirito explains. "Oh...Oh, I see", Keita or how I shall say red boy, mutters. "In that case, Kirito and (u/n), what would you both think about joining our guild?", red boy asks. I twitch. Joining...their...guild? "The only one we have who can occupy the vanguard is Tetsuo, a mace user", red boy continues his speech. Who cares about this? Refuse Kirito! 

"Her name is Sachi. I'd planned to have her switch to sword and shield use, so she could fight in the front. But she says that she isn't really sure how. Do you think you could show her the ropes?", red boy wants to know. "Don't talk to me like I'm useless. I can't go out and fight in the front rank. I'd be scared", blue girl pouts. Kirito and I watch their conversation, I annoyed and Kirito interested. Oh god no. "Just hide behind your shield. You've always been a scaredy-cat", red boys says which makes everyone but blue and us laugh. "Everyone in our guild is from our school's PC Research Club. Ah, but don't worry...You both will fit in soon. Right?", red boy says. Wait a moment. Since when is us joining already a thing?! Everyone smiles at us. Like hell I care. We. Won't. Join.

"Okay. Then we will join, after all...", Kirito answers. We join?! Kirito! I trusted you! "Thanks", Kirito adds.. No not thanks at all! Kirito's answer seems to make everyone but me happy. I tug at Kirito's sleeve making him glance at me. It appears that no one notices but him. I look at him with a frown. With a slightly scared face, Kirito looks at the others again. He understands what I am trying to say. We will talk later.

"Let's all do our best!"


April 8, 2023

Floor 11: Inn-Kirito's room


"A-Are you angry?", Kirito asks me with a nervous smile. I answer with a glare. "You are angry", Kirito states. With a pout I turn away. It is silent for a minute. "You know...", Kirito mutters his voice sounding sad and serious. "I...want to try it", he explains. I look at him, my glare already disappeared. Now, I simply give him a normal look. He looks at the ground with a sad smile, clenching his hands together. "After I met you...I feel like I maybe can start over...trying to trust others again and...make friends and such. I understand if you don't like that, afterall...I just pushed you in this situation. If-If you really are against it, I can refuse! I-I just...", Kirito says, his face showing pain and regret. From what, I wonder? 

"Why can't you look at people's eyes?"  


I sigh, making Kirito look at me. "S-So you don't want to-?", Kirito asks. "Alright...", I interrupt him and then sit up, Kirito looks at me shocked, trying to comprehend what is going on. "Y-You mean-?", Kirito stutters flabbergasted. "But", I interrupt him again, "I won't be trying...to make friends...". This makes Kirito's face turn serious. "Does that also has to do something with the question I asked you?", he asks but then gasps. "A-Ah! Sorry! I know you said you wanted to talk about this later! I-!", Kirito tries to apologize quickly. "You are right", I answer him. Kirito stares at me, surprised that I answered. Then, I stay quiet. Kirito understands. I won't say more.

"Kirito?", I mutter while walking towards the door. "Huh? Ah, yeah?", Kirito snaps out of his daze. "G-Good luck...", I try to encourage him and then step out of the room, closing the door behind me. My first time...in a guild.


This episode will probably be in four to five part. The reason I stopped here is merely because I think this was a good line to end this chapter. And hey, you talked with Kirito a bit. 


SAO, ALO or GGO? Which game would you want to play?

I would choose SAO. I am not a big fan of PK or PvP games! Though you can fly in ALO I think it is a bit unfair towards beginners because of the PK-ing system there. SAO also has a big goal and you can beat it. That's rather rare for MMOPRG's afterall. Yeah, I think it should be obvious by now that I like these kind of games. I also think about starting a Mikleo x Reader fanfic from Tales of Zestiria.

Hope you like it. If so please comment!

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