Episode 4; Part 1

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February 23, 2024

Floor 35: Lost Forest


Just how did it come to this?

"Pina...Don't leave me alone Pina!", the little child we just saved  cries. Great. Crying kids. And your welcome. No reason to thank us for saving you. "What's that feather?", Kirito asks. Probably a dead pet. "It's Pina. My partner...", the girl responds. Knew it. "You're a beast tamer?", Kirito questions surprised. A beast tamer, huh? "I'm sorry...I wasn't able to save your friend", Kirito then apologizes. I am just standing there, looking at them. Not like I would be any kind of help in this situation anyway. "No...I was being stupid. I was stupid to think I could make it through the forest on my own", the girl blames herself, still not looking at us. "Well, ye-", I start to mutter but before I can finish my sentence, Kirito steps onto my foot. 

"Thank you for saving me", she says, finally showing us her face. Seems like she didn't hear me. "Does that feather happen to have an item name?", Kirito wants to know. Oh god no. Ki-Kirito please tell me you don't want to do what I think you want to do. Kirito is now sitting next to the child. The girl understands but once she sees it's name she starts to cry again. "Don't cry. If Pina's heart is still here, you can revive her", Kirito explains with a smile. "Really?", the girl questions. Well, duh. Kirito nods. "On the south side of Floor 47, there's a field dungeon called the Hill of Memories. I've heard that the flower that blooms at it's top can revive a pet", he states. This makes the girl smile widely but then her expression changes. "Floor 47...", the girl repeats.

"If you gave me the GP, I'd go for you...But if the pet's owner isn't there, the flower won't bloom", Kirito says. I am getting a bad feeling. "That information is enough. If I work hard to raise my level, then someday...", the girl explains. I knew it. "They can only be revived for three days after death", Kirito responds. The girl looks at him with shock. I wonder if she even realizes that I am here? "No...It's my fault. I'm so sorry, Pina", the girl cries. Suddenly Kirito sits up and then turns around, avoiding my eyes with a guilty expression. I twitch. He is seriously going to do this? "You have three days", he says.  After that, he sends her some new equipment. "This equipment should be worth a good five or six levels. If I go with you, it'll work out", Kirito says, still avoiding my eyes. Ah, my old equipment huh. He didn't sell it already?

[I still don't get why Kirito had equipment for females lol I mean some pieces, yeah through farming. But a whole set? I am worrying about Kirito's hobbies. Yet again, I guess we know now why Kirito got so quickly comfortable with his GGO character lol] 

"Why would you do all this for me?", the girl questions. Oh man, seems like we have the same question. Freaking answer Kirito. Kirito glances at her before avoiding her eyes. "If you promise not to laugh, I'll tell you", Kirito says. "I promise", the girl responds eagerly. "It's because you look like my little sister...", he answers.





"Pffffffft", I chuckle. This makes both of them to look at me. "EH?!", the young girl exclaims, probably really haven't noticed me up until now. "Wa-?! Stop laughing (u/n)!", Kirito shouts, his face slightly red from embarrassment.  "Hahahaha!!! Seriously, Kirito? That's your reason?", I chuckle. Tears already forming into my eyes. "Stop making fun of that. Geez!", Kirito exclaims with a pout, his face growing more and more red. "Ahahah", we look at the young girl who suddenly laughed out aloud. "Um, I'm sure this isn't anywhere near enough to pay, but...", the girl mutters. "No, it's okay", Kirito refuses. "This isn't entirely incompatible with my reason for being here", he explains. Wait, we had a reason to come here? "Ah, I'm Silica", the girl finally introduces herself. She holds out her hand. "I'm Kirito. This is (u/n)", Kirito introduces us both. "We won't be together for long, but it's nice to meet you", he says before shaking her hand. Then suddenly he flinches.

"T-That's alright with you....right?", he looks at me nervously. I just stare at him blankly. Now he is wanting my opinion? Kirito avoids my glance, smiling nervously. "I-I know, I should have asked you before deciding for myself but-!", he stammers. Wordless, I take Silica's hand. "Eh?", both, Silica and Kirito say, completely surprised by my action. I start walking quickly. Kirito immediately follows up, now walking beside me. "A-Are you angry?", he asks. I continue walking. Silica just looks from me to Kirito and the again to me. Again, he avoids my eyes. "You are angry", he states to no one in particular. "Well, you see-, I thought you would surely decline so I-. I don't mean that as an insult! You just-", he tries to say. Then. I punch him in the stomach. "ARGH!", he shouts out in the pain. "EH?!", Silica exclaims in shock. I stare at him. Then, I turn around and start walking again. "I forgive you", I say as cold and emotionless as possible. "Was that...really necessary?", Kirito mutters, holding his stomach.





This is too amusing.


It was just such a good moment to stop the chapter lol I also made a new story! It is called Astray/Lost. It is an original story of mine! The main character is named like my user name. Yes. I named myself after one of my OC. Don't judge me. Please check it out if you are interested.

Question time:

What is your favorite character song from SAO?

I would have to go with Yui's and Sachi's.

See you in the next chapter!

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