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Leader Rosestar- beautiful tan tabby with black patches.

Deputy Graypelt- Grey tom with black stripes.

Medicine Cat Frostfur- White she-cat with unusual blue eyes.

Warriors (Toms, and she-cats without kits)

Skinnypelt-skinny she cat with white fur

Apprentice, Dustpaw

Stormchaser- Grey tom with blue eyes

Apprentice, Windpaw

Longclaw- Golden tabby tom with long claws

Brokenjaw- Light gray tom with a broken jaw

Shadowpelt- Black she-cat

Cloudfur- Beautiful white tabby she-cat

Apprentices (More than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Windpaw-White she-cat with black paws 

Dustpaw- Musky brown tom


Leader Blackstar- Black tom with white paws and a white chest

Deputy OneEye- Silver tom missing an eye

Medicine Cat Graywing- Beautiful dark gray she-cat 


Brakenclaw- Brown tom

Apprentice, Ravenpaw

Crookedjaw- Dappled tom with a crooked jaw

Talltail- White and black tabby she-cat

Apprentice, Cedarpaw

Smokypelt- Gray she-cat


Leader Brightstar- Bright orange she-cat

Deputy- Shimmerpelt- White she-cat with a pink tint to her fur

Medicine Cat- Riversong- Blue-gray she-cat 

Apprentice, Whitepaw


Tallpoppy- White tabby she-cat with orange patches

Apprentice, Yellowpaw

Pinetail- Dark flame colored tom

Feathertail- tan spotted tom

Oakheart- Ginger tom

Apprentice, Cloudpaw

Skywatcher- Handsome silver tom

Apprentice, Onepaw


Leader Tigerstar- Striped brown tom

Apprentice, Brakenpaw

Deputy Longtail- golden tom with dark black stripes

Medicine Cat Cinderpelt- Silver She-cat

Apprentice, Sorrelpaw


Goosefeather- White tom cat with black specks

Leopardfur- She-cat that looks very simalar to a leopard

Brokentail- brown tom with a broken tail

Breezepelt- Black she-cat

Mosspelt- Dark gray she-cat

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