Chapter 1

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Kaelynn P.O.V

I quietly opened The front door letting chresanto in. His face was flooded with tears, I was in complete under shock. Out of All of the years I've known Chresanto I never seen him cry ever.

"What's wrong" I said as He opened his mouth to say something, But only nothing came out, He only cried harder. His head was on my shoulder as He cried really hard.

I grabbed him sneaking him up to my room. My mom was asleep and my dad is a work. Thank god my mom's a heavy sleeper.

He laid down on my bed crying really hard. "Chres, What's wrong" I said about to cry by just seeing how hurt he is. "My...My... Dad died" He said crying again.

I covered my mouth as Tears ran down m my cheek. "Chres, I'm so sorry" I said sitting on the bed. He got up wiping his tears "I'm sorry for waking you up" He said as I smiled.

"Don't be, You need me at the time, You welcomed anytime you'd like to talk" I said getting comfortable in my bed. "Can I stay here tonight" He said as I nodded. I got up getting a pair of his basketball shorts he left over here.

"Here" I said giving him some basketball shorts, A towel, And a unopen pack of toothbrush. "Thank you" Chresanto said dryly before going down the hall to our bathroom.

I sat in my bed, Chresanto lost his father. I know This has got to be The hardest thing for him. I don't know What I would do if I lost my father. My father is my world, Really both of my parents are my world.

Expecially with him and His mom not really getting along. His mother felt as If Chresanto is a failure, and That his football carrer would only get him so far. If you ask me his mom is a total ass. She told me that she didn't want me to hang around chresanto, I was a distraction to his school work, and I wasn't a good influence.

My mom and His mom doesn't even like eachother. It was just that Chresanto Mom is just so far up her ass to realize She just like everybody else in the hood. It angered me how she looked at my family as Peasants. But I couldn't change Mrs.August oppinon on us, No matter how hard I tried.

Just as I begined to fall asleep I felt the cover shifted and Chresanto layed his head on my breast. "You feel a little better" I said stroking his curly hair. "No"He said as I frowned, "Would you like to talk about it" I said still playing with his short curls.

"No" He said as I nodded, "My ears are open" I said kissing his forehead hoping he'd feel better. "You should kiss me here" Hr said pointing to his lips I laughed lightly, "Nope" I said running my hand up and down his back.

"Don't do that" He said with a straight face, "Why" I said confused as He sighed. "Because It's turning me on" He said as I begined playing in his hair again. Chresanto hates when people play in his hair, But some how he always let me play in his hair all the time.

I guess because I'm his bestfriend, "Have things been lightening up between your mom and dad" He said talking about the physical fights they always get into. My dad Is a good father, and A good Husband up until he picks up that liquor bottle.

My dad been trying to stop drinking, But some how That bottle of 1800 always finds it's way into his hand. "Yeah, Sorta, I guess" I said as He nodded. Last time they had a physical fight was Last week.

It was like it repeated in my head what happens everytime. I'd come home from school, Pandora 1980's jams would be on blast and They would be Drinking beers and other liquors.

I stopped thinking about the memories, Not wanting to even remember they're fights. Me and Chresanto are bestfriend because, We understand eachother more than anyone can imagine.

I felt Chresanto wrap his arms around me and my shirt being drinched with more tears. "It's okay, I'm here for you" I said running my hands through his curls as He cried once again. I felt my body getting sleeper and sleeper as Chresanto sniffling got lower and lower, Till I was finally asleep.

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