─ languages: ✦ english | fluent ✦ chinese | fluent ✦ korean | fluent ✦ french | semi-fluent ✦ spanish | learning
─ background: ✦ since she grew up in incheon, an adventure was always around the corner for her. whether that being the nearest amusement park, inside the city, or near the water. taeli lived her life to the fullest. she's was quite popular when she young (and still is). her parents both being CEO of major companies that run incheon and parts of seoul, and her brother being a talented musician with looks, she had everything hand down to her. she was given the looks, the money, the talent, and the attention. of course with great riches, comes great responsibilities, which is what taeli feared the most yet prepared for. she's was that one kid down the block everybody wanted to be friends with because of her capturing aura... or because of her money. taeli was often used by her younger "friends" and when she confronted them, they played the victim card and left taeli brokenhearted. her parents saw the change in her positivity and asked her about it. taeli told them and begged for a new start. so her parents gave the money and sent her to live with her uncle and his wife at the age of 14. from there, taeli grew to become strong-willed and cold towards others. of course, her parents and brother still spoil her rotten from afar with gifts and money, but overall manages herself well against school and people. whenever she's felt being used, she'll drop that person's sorry butt and leave them be. taeli is better than them, as she shouldn't be living her life in fear or in heart brokenness- and has grown to live her life spoiled and happy... not all the time though.
─ personality: ✦ her outside appearance makes her come off as a sweet, innocent looking girl but on the inside, she's a total blunt, carefree person. she isn't afraid to be honest and confront people she knows or complete strangers since she's able to tell a person's personality and style of living in a short amount of seconds. she's very strong-willed and works for herself, making her family's name nor money go to waste. she's able to manage her daily life unlike others and works hard to where she's at now. good grades, attention, and money. of course, she will still show respect to her elders since they often approach her, but simply makes small talk and leaves the next minute. yet she's learned that many people also doubt themselves if they should approach her so she's loosened up her attitude a bit and lets herself go with the flow (not too much though). taeli still remains with the blank expressions and slow movements, but many don't focus on her inside but focus on her outside and title. pretty, cute, smart and rich girl- that's all she is to them and sometimes she wish it wasn't always like that.
─ trivias: ✦ a polyglot (speaks korean, chinese, english, spanish, and french) ✦ insomniac (stays up composing or studying) ✦ isn't a picky eater, but a light one ✦ never has felt any romantic nor sexual attraction towards any gender ✦has a soft spot for chocolate, whip cream, and strawberries ✦only enjoys shopping for jackets, jumpers and shoes ✦hopes to travel the world as an all-around performer/entertainer (yet no one knows this about her ✦slight fear of heights ✦huge fan of harry potter and the marvel series, also the horror genre ✦taeli has a photographic memory so it isn't necssary for her to take notes in any class besides after school activities
─ hobbies: ✦ photography of anything aesthetic pleasing ✦ doing chalk art in the park ✦ reading poetry when bored ✦ singing or whistling a tune while walking ✦ singing, composing, or studying in her free time
⇸ Favourites
─ favourite food: ✦ strawberries with whipped cream
─ favourite colour: ✦ pastel blue, pink
─ movies or kdramas: ✦ harry potter| movie ✦ antman | movie ✦ captain america |movie ✦ reply 1997| drama ✦ boys over flowers | drama
─ favourite song: ✦calling in love - suran ft. beenzino
─ favourite singer/group: ✦ suran
⇸ School
─ slot: ✦ the popular girl
─ faceclaim: ✦ luda | wjsn
─ height & weight: ✦ 171 cm, 50 kg
─ favourite lesson: ✦ math, english, music
─ grades scale: ✦ 7
─ new to school or you already were here: ✦ old
─ dream future job: ✦ all around performer/ entertainer
─ after school activities: ✦ taekwondo, piano and guitar lessons, secret vocal lessons
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Seriously guys, what is up with all these awesome forms?! It was hard to pick the best Popular Girl out of those forms since many of them were really good but it really came down to the details. Thank you for your fun and creative form!