The unexpected

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I was so pissed that Bella wanted to become one of those bloodsuckers. I mean i know that i barely know her but still it just makes me sick! They smell like candy and bleach mixed together and it just burns my damn nose.

Oh well.

But anyways me Sam and Jared were heading over Billy's house to get Jake because we had patrol. As we were running threw the woods in wolf form i started to smell something strange. Not a vampire smell....It was more sweeter and it did have that foul bleach smell but what ever it was it right in the direction of Jake's house. I ran faster to see what the smell was so i passed Sam and Jared.

"Paul man why are you going so fast?",Jared thought

"because i smell something and i want to see what it is", I said still keeping my pace

"what is it?", he replied

"I don't know that's what I'm trying to find out all i smell is this sweet scent and its coming straight from Jake's House", I said frustrated trying to think of what it was

"oh ok well it looks like your gonna get there before us so if you see what it is tell us",he said

"ok", i replied then i continued forward. When I got to the edge of the forest i phased back in human form.

As I walked out of the woods I was met by a very pissed Bella. But me being my cocky self I smirked and by doing that I. Could have swore I saw her shaking then my smirk fell and I stared in shock 'She couldn't....could she?' I thought but then I looked at her more closely. I've only seen Bella like once before at the beach but I could tell she changed. She was taller, her skin was darker and the thing that shocked me the most is when I looked her in the eyes.

It was like the whole world stopped and nothing mattered but her. Like a million steal wire cables connected us together. I looked away for a moment then i looked back, i could tell that she imprinted on me to and then suddenly i realized something.

Damn i imprinted on the vamp girl just great.

Then i noticed that she was still to angry to calm down...

By then she was nothing but a blur and she growled then took a step forward and I took an automatic step back cause the last thing i needed was to end up getting claw marks across my face like Emily. But the wolf inside me was begging to come out and fight. Then all of a sudden i felt a sharp pain across my left cheek and that's when i lost it. She slapped me! How dare she. Now my blood was boiling and all i could start to see was red. "Bella move back", Sam commanded but Bella didn't even move a muscle she just growled in response and by that Sam told me to back away. which i did. 

   I closed my eyes for a second to calm down but then i hear the sound of clothes tearing and a bark in surprise . Then i opened my eyes to see a beautiful grey black wolf stand before me. She looked shocked and she was panicking but then are eyes met and she admittedly calmed down.

" i'll be right back", i told her.

Her big wolf head nodded understanding then i ran into the forest and hid behind a tree, striped, and phased then i trotted out of the forest to see a very awed Bella and I just barked a laugh

'like what you see?', i thought with a wolfy grin ,then she stared at me in shock

'how the hell did you get in my head?!',she yelled, I cringed 

'damn not so loud', i growled

'sorry', she said in a small quiet voice while looking down.

But I wanted to lighten the mood so i smiled at her.

'its ok', i said

Then she looked up and smiled back then her eyes suddenly  looked puzzled in confusion

'so...... how am i exactly a werewolf?', she asked

'i don't know really', i said now thinking of it. How is she a werewolf? i thought to myself.

'maybe we should ask Sam', i said

'yeah', she agreed. then we headed off towards Sam's house.

Hey guys I've seen that alot of you still add this story and like it after all this time I started this story when I was 14 and now I'm 22 and watching you all comment and favorite over the years I think it's time I fix up this story and continue it. It will take some time but I believe  I can create a story that you will all enjoy!

I've edited the first chapter a little bit so far more editing and alot of re writing will be in store

Thank you all :)

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