Things that should have been told along time ago

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When finally got to the edge of the forest by Sam and Emily's cottage we stopped. "ill be right back i gotta go get you some clothes", i told her. "ok", she replied. Then i went behind a tree and phased , then i pulled on my shorts and ran into the cottage. When i walked in everyone was just starring at me and then i got mad "what are you looking at", i snarled then everyone looked away and it became really quiet until Emily spoke up "so Paul were is the new wolf girl at?" she asked "she's outside Em by the way i was wondering if you had and clothes she can borrow since hers ripped," i said "of course," she said simply and walked out of the room to get the clothes. two minutes later she came back with a pair of yoga shorts and a tank top "here you go," she said and handed them to me "thanks," i replied and then i ran back out side but then i stopped dead in my tracks. i don't think Bella see me approach her because she was just looking around in the forest. her face expression was mixed with curiosity, confusion, and frustration but yet she looked so beautiful. finaly i was cut out of my trance when she poked my side with her nose trying to get my attention. then i handed her the clothes and told her "to phase back just think of something that makes you happy" and she nodded and disappeared behind a tree. moments later she came out looking more calm but still frustrated then i grinned at her and she gave me a small smile back.

I held out my hand and suprisingly she took it. Her hand felt so soft. For once in my life i felt happy, like the pieces were finaly put together. like i belonged.

When we walked in the cottage someone wolf whistled. Bella's face admittedly turned a beautiful dark shade of red and she looked down at the floor embarrassed. Seeing it was Jared i slapped him up side the head. "Ow what you do that for?!," he whined rubbing his head. "cause your being stupid," i replied. Then Emily decided to walk up to Bella and talk "hi you must be Bella I'm Sam's iimprint / fiance Emily," she said "nice to meet you Emily," Bella said smiling "how does it feel to be a werewolf and a imprint?," she asked " a little weird," she admitted but then she raised her eye brows in confusion. "whats a imprint?," she asked dumb-folded

could only right a little today Happy Thanks Giving everyone :]


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